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Multi-class in prior history.........

Originally posted by Aravain:
Could someone be kind enough to post the specific page number and cite the passage, please? In addition, could one of the designers ( do you call them ancients on this site?) log on and state for the record (or default ruling) what is correct? but the character generation needs to be rewrote for greater clarification.

Once again, not looking for a flame war or such, just a clear "official" ruling by one of the designers. Thanks for your help!

ps., you just got to love a person that uses "gestalt" in a conversation about gaming. Shows some class.
I think the main problem is caused because the d20 license doesn;t allow the t20 rules to explain about levels, going up levels etc. They can't write those sorts of examples.

On the website, things are a little looser, but they still have to be careful.

So no, nobody can point to anywhere in the THB where is clearly explains what you want. Under each class it explains the pre-reqs and it never says that you have to level up in the class you are working in - you have to draw your own conclusions based on the PHB and what you want your world to be like.

If you want characters to be "closely bound" to their class - keep them in one service, don't let them multi-class until they leave prior history - This will also speed up Char Gen.
Originally posted by Paraquat Johnson:
Hmmmm. He's a 14th level character, but his various class levels, when added together, total 28th level.
Yikes No!!? 28th? You add the levels? Ohmigarsh..
I just did it like this-added the Xp per History/term by class... Acad4/Scout6/ Merc 11th/Rogue 7th. as separate clsses go.

The total of which comes to 14th level Character (3000 XP shy of 15th). Now, I could go Acad-4/Sct-1/Rogue-1/Merc-8th. That makes more sense...Until they come out with a proper Spy/Covert Ops class.
Still, a hard @ss PC/NPC skill wise. (decent BAB/ unarmed martial skills/ etc.)
I'm having the same problem finding the proper classes for changing over one of my CT characters, who was a commando and then a spy/intelligence officer.

Rogue and Traveller both make good general-purpose classes to pick up some usable skills when you're multiclassing in your first couple of terms and want your character to "expand his horizons."
Aye, its a complex transition we have with these types of fellows. Thanks fer clearin the matter up Paraquat Johnson..Skeered me--(28th level?
Mayhap we'll see a Covert Ops/Undercover Agent prestige class soon, eh?
(Like the profile write up, and picture btw!)
What extra would you want a covert agent to have that isn;t covered by:-

Unless you want a Movie James bond type professional agent in which case:-

(Marine/Rogue for combat feats & BAB, ACA/Noble for Social Feats and skill points)

What else would the covert agent bring?

If it is access to class feats - why not just write up the feats and let anyone who can come up with a good excuse choose it?
Originally posted by The Mink:
What extra would you want a covert agent to have that isn;t covered by:-

Or, he as all those listed above and proceeds as a Traveller.Hmmm. Lemme think about that one...

What else would the covert agent bring?

If it is access to class feats - why not just write up the feats and let anyone who can come up with a good excuse choose it?
Now there yer onto something...Mink. A Virtual Pint of yer fav beer on me at LoneStar Chat Lounge..! I'll se what I can cook up, and post it.
(Based on the TNe PC classes /Spec Ops/Undercover agent/TNE-HB--its mostly skills, but some of that translates into Feats in T-20...).
Stamina dice...1d8 I think...
The rest will have to wait.
I have found the specific page number (34, bottom of the left column) which clearly states that in regards to the NAVY,ARMY, and MARINES that "...that a character can only gain levels in a service class while active in Prior history in the appropiate career, the character will need to select another class to mutliclass into upon mustering out." in addition, it later states that if you multiclass INTO a service class,"...levels may only be earned in these classes while the character is on active duty.'
This appears to show that the previous advice was incorrect;instead,the truth is that you cannot use levels gained while on active duty to multiclass if your core class is army, navy, or marines! No more marine baker (or belter). You must either muster out of an active service and then gain the new class or already have the non-military class as a previous term and then join an active service.

This is because they are all considered full-time jobs. ie.,you go where,when, and how they tell you with no time for other (class-wise) training.
Whew, I knew I was right. I just had to find where I had read that info. :D
Originally posted by Aravain:
"...that a character can only gain levels in a service class while active in Prior history in the appropiate career, the character will need to select another class to mutliclass into upon mustering out." in addition, it later states that if you multiclass INTO a service class,"...levels may only be earned in these classes while the character is on active duty.'
This appears to show that the previous advice was incorrect;instead,the truth is that you cannot use levels gained while on active duty to multiclass if your core class is army, navy, or marines! No more marine baker (or belter). You must either muster out of an active service and then gain the new class or already have the non-military class as a previous term and then join an active service.

This is because they are all considered full-time jobs. ie.,you go where,when, and how they tell you with no time for other (class-wise) training.
Whew, I knew I was right. I just had to find where I had read that info. :D
The logic odesn;t follow. It says you can only take a level in Marine etc while actively serving in them during prior history. The way you were readin it would be

"You can take only levels in Marine etc"

The first one imnplies that the only time you can earn levels in those classes is while working in them. The second would be that these classes are the only thing you can take levels in.

So I contend that you can still have someone who spends their entire time in Marines and ends up a Marine 3/Professional 2 (Professional drop ship pilot) when they muster out.

Aside - I will force players to give me some clue as to what they are going to go up in - so if an engineer spend the entire adventure doing engineering stuff (And earns all his XP there). I wouldn't let them go up as merc. They would need to have shown at least some "work" at it (practicing boarding drills in the corridoors, working out etc)
i forgot to add it then states "...The character will need to select another class to multiclass INTO UPON (capitals added by me) mustering out."

This means that you must muster out (leave the active service)if you want to multiclass if marine,navy, or army. ALL other classes appear to be able to use the "level as any class" rule, although I do not agree with it.

The arguement (or confusion) may be caused by both the unclear character generation write-up and one's gaming background. Introducing character levels into a gaming system where the creation of the character is part of the gestault (hey, I used that big word ;) )and was never used before may throw a person off. What I was looking for was the T20 designers intention on this part of the game, but they seem strangely silent to our postings. Maybe they are having the same confusion. I think that my logic is valid and it prevents the Munchkin JOAT character with dozens of Feats. But, what the hey, if you're running the game and you want to bend (or straighten) a rule, go for it.

....and the debate rages on! ;)
Page 34 of THB covers the restriction for multiclassing in T20, which says basically there are no restrictions other than those imposed by specific class descriptions. Also read the first paragraph under Employment of page 124. It essentially states that you can't do a term in a class unless you have at least one level and you have to multiclass during a term in another profession to get the first level. Pretty clear to me. Later - Nerf
Now that settles the question, CharmQuark!

If you do not have at least 1 level in a class, you cannot multiclass into it within a 4 year term period.

Thanks for finding the exact page and location; much appreciated. Looks like there may be a few people re-doing their characters ;)
One nice thing about the rules is that you don;t get a BAB at first level - so if someone is a first level "practically everything" - they have a large number of feats, but very low BAB.

That should low the munchkins down a little.

For some munchkinisms, I think I'll raise a seperate topic.
actually no - but the sort of people who multi-class to gain the feats are those that pick fights (it's a munchkin) rather than a roleplayer.

ie they are Wargamers rather than roleplayers.

So, to maximize their combat scariness, they should concentrate in a single class.

Having said I don;t have combat - it has happened a couple of times - predominantly ship combat. If there is combat, I normally know what I want to happen, so it can be described cinematically rather than with any actual dice rolls.
Experience earned during a term can be applied to any class you qualify for. You can multiclass into any non-service class you qualify for. So say you earned 6000xp after a term in the Marines, you could take levels in the Marine Class, any other non-service class you are already multiclassed into, or you may multiclass into a new non-Service class you qualify for.
