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My current game so far


Vice Administrator
Admin Award
My current game features the crew of "The Queen Nuala" a 200 ton Empress Marva class Far Trader, licensed out of Regina/Regina in the Spinward Marhes.

The Captain is his Excellence, Baronette(H) Sir Richard Sanchez, KoA (Human,former IISS and Noble), Patterson (Human, former Imperial Marine and INS Field Agent), Diso Inas (Human, a former Imperial Marine), Roger "Probin time" Pewtersmith, an alien (think "Paul", and a former Pirate Captain), Niel Tyson (human, former IISS and Imperial Navy) and finally Mike Sterns (Human, a former IISS and Rogue).

Session 1:

It all started on Regina on 180-1107 Im. About a week before the start of the 5th Frontier War. The players have just been handed the TAS News release that included rumors of a massed Zhodani Fleet at Ruie, a non-Imperial world but a single parsec away, and that Psi-Shield helmets are becoming all the rage.

Armed with that info, they set out to play "Space Trucker" and decide to run the Zhos Fleet to take a few tons of Psi-Shields to Ruie and hopefully make a fortune. Takes them almost a week to get thing lined up, and they jump out on 186-1107 Im.
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Arriving at Ruie a week later, they find no trace of any Zhodani Fleet, and proceed to land at the worlds C-Class downport. That's where things got a little hairy.

As they exited their ship, ready to pay landing fees, make arrangements for refreshing life support and getting re-fueled, they found that , much to their dismay, that the Zhos had indeed been there, had removed the Imperial Embassy to the world, and had left a 100 ton Ninz class Scout with a squad of Troopers in control of the starport.

A fast paced fight that nearly wrecks an entire concourse ensues as they resist capture by the Zhos, and ends after an atmospheric chase with the Ninz, as they make a break for it in their ship. Getting lucky, they shoot down the chasing ship and to go refuel from one of the worlds oceans before running back to Regina.

End session 1.
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Session 2

They arrived at Regina on 201-1107 Im, to discover that the Third Imperium and the Zhodani Consulate are at war, and that the Zho fleet had arrived at Regina two days after they had departed Regina for Ruie.

Eventually, after being cleared to land, they find that Reginas' Class A starport is sporting an insane level of activity as war time operations are now in full swing.

In short order, they manage to FINALLY sell their cargo of Psi-Shields and manage to turn a nice profit. His Excellence also receives notice that there is a missive from the Sector Moot waiting for him.

What it says stuns the players into silence.
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"Due to the unfortunate death of His excellence the Baron of Vanejen, and his wife on 007-1107 Im in an unfortunate Air/Raft accident, and also for the fact of his lack of an Heir, Her Grace, Delphine Adorania Muudashir, 15th Duchess of Mora, with the full backing of the Mid-Year Sector Moot, has elevated him to Baron Pro-Tem of Vanejen, to be confirmed by the Imperial Moot Holliday List due 001-1108 Im, and that he is to go immediately to Vanejen to claim title of his new Fief."

((Yes, this all started out as a HIGHLY fleshed out version of Research Station Gamma.))

The rest of the session was spent in a flurry of planning. What route they wanted to take, a huge amount of time making sure that hauling passengers, freight, and mail would cover the ships note and expenses while en-route, and a deep dive into the world of Vanejen, its people, government and laws in the Library Data.

It was a huge chunk of information, and they asked a lot of questions.

End Session 2
[...] they found that , much to their dismay, that the Zhos had indeed been there, had removed the Imperial Embassy to the world, and had left a 100 ton Ninz class Scout with a squad of Troopers in control of the starport.
One 100 dTon vessel and one squad of troops to control a starport on a world with a population of seven billion and the Imperium just one parsec away. This seems like a very small force. It works well as an enemy against the players in an RPG setting, but against the backdrop of war with the entire Imperium, leaving behind that small a force does not seem like a wise military move for the Zhodani.

Perhaps there is a mystery here for the PCs to have a chance to investigate later?

In short order, they manage to FINALLY sell their cargo of Psi-Shields and manage to turn a nice profit.
Yay! I was concerned they'd lose their collective shirts.


BTW, in your signature:

I think that "is a strong" should be "is as strong".
One 100 dTon vessel and one squad of troops to control a starport on a world with a population of seven billion and the Imperium just one parsec away. This seems like a very small force. It works well as an enemy against the players in an RPG setting, but against the backdrop of war with the entire Imperium, leaving behind that small a force does not seem like a wise military move for the Zhodani.

Perhaps there is a mystery here for the PCs to have a chance to investigate later?

I wondered too--maybe it's just the Starport occupation force--but even that seems a bit small. I'd think a few type T patrol-sized ships and a company or more of troops would be more likely. Or there was another alert just before that drew off most of the 'port garrison?
Zho Ho Ho

I wondered too--maybe it's just the Starport occupation force--but even that seems a bit small. I'd think a few type T patrol-sized ships and a company or more of troops would be more likely. Or there was another alert just before that drew off most of the 'port garrison?

After a little thought it makes sense to me.
The Zhos are not trying to conquer Ruie, they merely want to control the starport so it can be used to support any Zho ships that pass through the system. They probably made some sort of deal with the local Ruie natives that they would not interfere with normal starport operations as long as no Imperials were allowed to pass through without the Zhos permission. They probably gave local officials lots of gifts to smooth things over.
In short the Zhos are trying to avoid conflict on Ruie, they have bigger fish to fry. A small force of 100 men is enough to secure the starport, without causing any significant resentment in the population. They better have a good diplomat with them though.