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My First Character (Education and Career)


Creating my first homeworld took 2 hours; my first character, 2 days. Granted, not 8 hour days or anything, but considering that I'm still not 100% sure I am doing everything right, that's quite a bit of time. Hopefully this will become a faster process by the same order of magnitude as the homeworld creation. If anyone wants to look this over (there's a lot) and let me know if it looks like I'm on the right track here, that would be greatly appreciated (especially if you find something wrong).

What follows are the steps I took to create my character. I am detailing them out here in case anyone cares to glance over them and let me know if I'm on the right track or not. I have been using the errata document as I go, so hopefully I caught all the issues.

Step 1: Create the homeworld

I will use the worlds from my previous post.

Birthworld: Sling C8B6435-8 Fl Ni
Homeworld: Gambit DAB846A-5 Fl Ni S

The homeworld trade codes will confer the skills Hostile Env-1 and Driver-1, plus the character will have World: Sling-0 (family left when character was just a child) and World: Gambit-4 (at age 18 the character will have spent 4 terms – 16 years – living on Gambit).

I missed that there's a check to see if you were born offworld (2 on 2D). Seeing as things fairly benign to the character creation process such as whether the homeworld is a planet or a satelite are in the checklist, maybe this should be added?

I also did not find the step to add homeworld knowledge skills in the character creation section or the checklist. This little nugget of information is in the skills section, but I think it could do with either repeating it in the character creation area, or at least adding it to the checklist.

Step 2: Character basics

Chose race (no random table for this): Vilani
Chose Gender (I decided to roll the dice, 1-3 male, 4-6 female – result [4]): Female
Chose name: Anne Caulder
Roll for...
UPP: 426B72
Genetics: 1126XX
Age: 18

Now that we know Int level we can assign Anne her native language skill: Language (Vilani-B). Again, I did not find this step in the character creation steps, but under the description of the skill language. I feel it should probably be added, at least, to the checklist.

Looking over what I know so far about Anne I figure she grew up in a very disadvantaged part of town (low Soc), was not very active or involved in sports (below average physical traits), but was a bookworm (high Int) and managed to 'beat the odds' by getting an average education (above average for her neighbourhood).

First Term:

Now, what to do with this character? Her stats are pretty below-average except for her Int. I decided to give her a PhD, as that would also bump up her Edu and further the image of someone who truly did 'beat the odds.' (The list of schools is after the list of careers, noble lands section, ageing section, Imperial calendar, and guides for birth-dates. If anything, as this is normally done before career selection, this should be at the beginning....but at the least it should come right after the careers.)

As Anne will be going for a PhD we are going to apply for University, not college. Her Edu is 7, so she just barely meats the requirements. (The University she applys to is The Red Institute with a Reputation Rank=15...good for her! Does that mean anything?) To apply I decide to check Int (as opposed to Edu) as this is Anne's highest stat. Target = 11, [7] is success.

To pass each year I need either 4x Int or Edu (which I assume means 4x Int or 4x Edu, right?). Again, I choose Int making the target number = 44. As it's impossible to not succeed at that roll I don't bother rolling. If it wasn't automatic I would roll once for every year until I failed or finally graduated.

Anne passes all four years and gains 4 levels in Language (her major) and 2 in Linguistics (her minor). She also graduates with honours giving her another level in Language. I found there was a lot of flipping back and forth between page 100, the schooling info, and 71/72, how to use the schooling info page (as well as 143, the skills page – but maybe that's normal? TNE came with a 'cheat sheet' that listed out all the skills on one page for easy reference...I think I will print something like that out). So, because each level of Language can actually be a new language (right?), here's what Anne receives for her bachelor's degree:

Language (Anglic)-A
Language (Gvegh)-9
Language (Zdeti)-8
Language (Trokh)-7
Language ( !kee: )-6

Anne also gains an increase in Edu to 8. Her UPP is now 426B82, and she's 4 years older. Her level of knowledge about her homeworld also increases to 5.

Major Life Event: When Anne first started at The Red Institute she met a guy, Kevin Vandenburgh. They dated for 2 years and then got married. Anne changed her name to Anne Vandenburgh. (Note: This isn't anywhere on the “life events” table, it's just my own flavour.)

Second Term (Masters):

With a PhD being Anne's goal she decides to apply for her master's at a different university.

NOTE: page 71 has this little note: “A character may select any Major and Minor (but they may not be the same) and change them each time a new Educational Institution is attended.” I'm not 100% sure I need to take it literally, but I decided to do that. So Anne will need to actually change Universities in order to change her Major/Minor. Is that right?

Anne applies to another university McCaffrey University (Reputation Rank=5, meh) while Kevin goes on to Med School. Anne checks vrs Int, target = 11, [7] = success. Still trying to figure out her direction in life she changes her major/minor to Designer/Robotics.

Her pass/fail checks vrs. Int x4 are automatically successful, as is her honours check, so she gets:

Edu = 9
+ 2 years

Major life event: Anne gives birth to three children, a daughter and twin sons, during this time. Her family is incredibly supportive and their is also support through her school so she manages to make up the missed class hours fairly easily, but she doesn't get to spend as much time with her children as she would like.

Second Term (PhD):

Anne decides to go back to The Red Institute to finish her education as a PhD from there would be highly prestigious.

Apply to The Red Institute, check vrs Int, target = 11, [4] = success!
Major = Broker, Minor = Author
Pass/Fail check verses 4 x Int as well as honours checks are all automatic.

Edu = C
World: Gambit-6 (homeworld)
+ 2 years

Character Summary:

Name: Anne Vanderburgh, PhD
UPP: 426BC2, Age: 26
Hostile Env-1
Language (Vilani)-B
Language (Anglic)-A
Language (Gvegh)-9
Language (Zdeti)-8
Language (Trokh)-7
Language ( !kee: )-6
World: Gambit-6 (homeworld)
World: Sling-0 (birthworld)

Major Life Event: None. However, Anne's marriage is on the rocks. That, coupled with the stress of the PhD and trying to raise a family (her kids are now 2, 2, and 3) Anne has a bit of a midlife crisis and tries to join the Scouts that are stationed on her homeworld.
Third Term, Scouts

Anne attempts to enter the Scout career target = 6, [9] = fail, + 1 year Age = 27

Anne does not succeed at first being so distracted with her family life. Now, however, she begins to feel trapped. With her marriage collapsing and her husband vying for sole custody Anne does the only thing she knows how to do, she keeps plugging along with what she had planned. (Even if the plan was conceived in haste as a result of a personal crisis, to stop now would be failing in her mind.)

Anne's retry is check vrs C5, target = 12, success is automatic.
Risk C4 target = 11, [8] = success

Here Anne figures she will use this chance to improve herself. Note that I was attempting to bump up her Dex or Soc, however the dice did some funny number clustering on me.

8 skill rolls were:
Personal [1] = C1 + 1
Personal [1] = C1 + 1
Personal [3] = C3 + 1
Personal [3] = C3 + 1
Personal [3] = C3 + 1
Personal [1] = C1 + 1
Vocation [3] = Language = Sagamaal-5
Vocation [1] = Survey

Reward target = 11, [10] = success
Discouvered new world, named it Anne's Landing, Fame +4, Land Grant
Fame Flux Event = [4]-[3] = 1 + 4 Fame = 5

End of the term:
Age: 31
UPP 729BC2
World: Gambit-5 (homeworld) – This was decreased because Anne spent so much time away from her homeworld.

Major Life Event: Anne's divorce is now finalized and Kevin almost got full custody of the kids. Anne had to resign from the Scout service to show that she would be around more. However, she also now has the travelling bug and is not sure how long this will last.

Forth Term, Rouge

Life has not gone Anne's way much recently and she's now feeling like the universe 'owes her' something. She knows something now of the interstellar community and figures she can take advantage of some of what she learned while in the Scout service to dupe some unsuspecting Vargr's out of the rights to some of their ships.

Enter Rouge Career, Controlling Characteristic is chosen as Edu (12) and check to enter is automatic.

Posing as a spacer veteran of the Rukirligi anti-pirate camaign, Anne begins a scheme to exchange weapons (that don't exist) for ownership of some Ship Shares (Scheme = Scout). The deal is set to go down on Fel (Deneb 2904).

Roll risk first, target (taking -2 bravery mod) = 10, [6] = success

4 skills rolled are (again, I was trying to bump up Dex or Soc, but the dice weren't in my favour...not that I'm complaining as Anne get's +2 to Edu):
Personal [3] = C3 + 1
Personal [5] = C5 + 1
Personal [4] = C4 + 1
Personal [5] = C5 + 1

UPP now 72ACE2

We need the reward roll for the payoff calculation so reward check vrs. Edu target is 12 + 2 mod = 14, [7] = success
+ 2 Fame = 7
Payoff = 1 ship share * (1 + 14 + 2 - 7) = 1 ship share * 10 = 10 ship shares

2 skills rolled for successful scheme are:
Space Travel [6] = Astrogator
Space Travel [5] = Vacc Suit

End of the term:
Age: 35
Rolls for Age Effects (target = 5) [2], [3], [8]
UPP 61ACE2 (What I was thinking when I saw this was “yikes, I've gotta get Dex up before she has an ageing crisis....not realizing how ageing crisis' work.)
World: Gambit-4 (homeworld)

Major Life Event: Anne's time off world did not go unnoticed and she lost custody of her kids. Now she's really feeling sorry for herself.

Fifth Term, Rouge

Continue in Rouge Career ... automatic

I decided to take a +7 mod to the scheme roll as I didn't really need any more Ship Shares. The roll [4] plus 7 = 11 for a “Nobel” scheme.

Anne's next scheme is to pose as a Craftsman with access to thousands of masterpieces (and other non-liquid cash assets) to dupe some nobles out of a controlling portion of stock in a major industry on Atadl (Deneb 3015).

Risk roll: not taking any mods. Automatic success

4 skills rolled are:
Personal [1] = C1 + 1
Personal [3] = C3 + 1
Personal [5] = C5 + 1
Personal [1] = C1 + 1
(For some reason the dice do not want me to be able to increase Dex or Soc)

UPP now 81BCF2

Reward check vrs. CC roll is [5] with + 0 mod, success
+ 2 Fame = 9
Payoff = 500,000 * (1 + 15 + 0 - 5) = 500,000 * 11 = Mcr5.5
2 skills rolled for successful scheme are:
Personal [1] = C1 + 1
Personal [1] = C1 + 1

End of the term:
Age: 39
Rolls for Age Effects (target = 5) [7], [8], [8] (*Whew*)
World: Gambit-3 (homeworld)

A little stunned with how well her scheme worked Anne is now wanting to put some distance between her and her previous life

Sixth through Eigth Terms, Merchant

Entering Merchant Career, to begin M1 check Int ... automatic, gain Steward-1
Risk check C4, target = 12 ... automatic success

4 skills rolled are
Personal [3] = C3 + 1
Personal [3] = C3 + 1
Personal [2] = C2 + 1
(YAY! I got Dex)
Technical [6] = Gravitics

Promotion target = Terms x2 +3 mod = 1 x 2 + 3 = 5 (target), [11] = fail
Reward check vrs C4 is automatic, +1 ship share = 11

End of the term:
Age: 43
Aging roll (Target = 6) [6], [7], [7]

Continuing Merchant check Str, target = 10, [5] = success
Risk check vrs C3 target = 13, automatic success
4 Skills:
Vocation [6] = Vacc Suit
Vocation [4] = Astrogator
Technical [3] = Computer
Technical [1] = Robotics

Promotion target = Terms x2 +3 mod = 2 x 2 + 3 = 7 [5] success
Engineer-0, J-Drive-1
Space Travel [1] = Astrogator

Reward check vrs C3 ... automatic, +2 ship shares = 13

End of the term:
Age: 47
Aging roll (Target = 6) [4], [5], [9] (Ouch)

Continuing Merchant check Str, target = 9, [6] = success
Risk check vrs C1 target = 9, [6] = success

4 Skills are
Personal [4] = C4 + 1
Personal [3] = C3 + 1
Personal [4] = C4 + 1
Personal [6] = C6 + 1
(I was starting to panic about not having Dex back up to 2 for the next roll – I didn't understand how Ageing worked)
Promotion target = Terms x2 +3 mod = 2 x 3 + 3 = 9 [7] success
Personal [6] = C6 + 1 (That was my last chance)

Reward check vrs C1 target = 9, [8] = success = +3 ship shares = 16

End of the term:
Age: 51
Ageing roll (target = 7) [7], [5], [8]

Here I thought NOOOOO to myself. Until I realized just how ageing worked. Well, had I known that I would have gone for a few more skills. Sigh.


Mustering Out
Scout: Benefits: [6] = Ship Share
Rouge: Benefits: [2] = Secret = A 10,000 share certificate for a corporation
Merchant: Benefits: [4] = + 1 Ship Share = 17
Merchant: Benefits: [6] = Knighthood
Merchant: Benefits: [1] = C2 + 1 (HAH!!!)

Final Merchant rank = + 3 fame, own a ship + 1D [3] Fame = 15

Final Character Stats

Name: Anne Caulder, PhD
Race: Vilani
Gender: Female
Genetics: 1126XX
Age: 51

Engineer-0 (J Drive-1)
Hostile Env-1
Language (Vilani)-B
Language (Anglic)-A
Language (Gvegh)-9
Language (Zdeti)-8
Language (Trokh)-7
Language ( !kee: )-6
Language (Sagamaal)-5
Vacc Suit-2
World: Gambit-0 (homeworld)
World: Sling-0 (birthworld)

- 3 land grants: Anne's Landing, Gambit, and 1 more in same system as Gambit
- 17 Ship Shares
- 5.5MCr
- Fame: 15
A quick note...

Regarding University: From the way I am reading the Pass/Fail for Anne's 1st Education Term, you did it wrong.

You don't total the Pass/Fail for the Term.

When a character attempts a degree they must roll each year for a Pass/Fail v. either Int or Edu. That means 4 rolls on 2D with a Target Number of 11. Which if I remember the proper Task notation is: Pass/Fail: 2D < 11, Duration: 1 year.

I have to take care of the Ship's Cat and grab some breakfast, but I will try and get back to this and see if I can help clarify things for you.

Oh, and have you posted your comments regarding the page order for the Education page in the Errata Thread? If not you should, it is really good point which oddly I hadn't noticed. I do tons of characters (professionally now) and I never tweaked to the huge PITA of having to flip to page 100 to do pre-Career Education. Very good call.

Regarding University: From the way I am reading the Pass/Fail for Anne's 1st Education Term, you did it wrong.

You don't total the Pass/Fail for the Term.

When a character attempts a degree they must roll each year for a Pass/Fail v. either Int or Edu. That means 4 rolls on 2D with a Target Number of 11. Which if I remember the proper Task notation is: Pass/Fail: 2D < 11, Duration: 1 year.

OH!!! you roll verses Int or Edu 4 times, not your target number is 4 times your Int or Edu.

I was thinking that was kinda odd to have it be 4xInt.

I have to take care of the Ship's Cat and grab some breakfast, but I will try and get back to this and see if I can help clarify things for you.

Oh, and have you posted your comments regarding the page order for the Education page in the Errata Thread? If not you should, it is really good point which oddly I hadn't noticed. I do tons of characters (professionally now) and I never tweaked to the huge PITA of having to flip to page 100 to do pre-Career Education. Very good call.


I will do that. And thanks for taking the time to look this over.

Just to see I decided to roll the Pass/Fails post-creation

[9]=pass, [3]=pass, [12]=fail, And the waiver [6]=fail

That would have made for a very different character.
Very good write-up and character development. Thanks for the good read!

(But unless your character is in the cosmetics business, her profession is rogue, not rouge.) :)
Very good write-up and character development. Thanks for the good read!

(But unless your character is in the cosmetics business, her profession is rogue, not rouge.) :)

Thanks for the compliment, *and* the laugh. Spelling was never my forte.

(I even left out a bunch of detail, like her second marriage, just because it was getting too long of a writeup.)
Further notes on Anne's CharGen

Alright, I went through the character and made a bunch of notes (you know normally I bill for this service now :p) and post them here for your use.


No need to change University or College to change Major or Minor, merely start a new Term. Same note about Pass/Fail. Also remember you can try for a Waiver v. Soc, though with a Soc 2 I don't see a lot of that happening, especially since the next one would be straight impossible at 2D < Soc 2 - 1= 1. Otherwise fine.

PhD should be listed as Third Term, not Second. Character Summary. What is her Driver Knowledge? Driver is one of the many Skills that requires the character to receive two Knowledges before they get the Skill. Using Driver, Anne would have to have say Driver-0 (Grav-1), then get Driver-0 (Wheeled-1) and then on her third receipt of Driver she would get Driver-1. So at this stage she should have Driver-0 (Wheeled-1). I figure Wheeled since her Homeworld has such a low tech.

Third Term should be Fourth Term. Ha-ha! :p Yeah, the dice always bone you on the Personal Development table. Always, every time. On the other hand you are way better set for those Risk/Reward and Aging rolls. :D Another thing to remember is that you don't have to choose a new language with every Language receipt, you can choose to up an existing one, like say bringing her Zdetl to Zdetl-9.

From here on in we can hopefully just stipulate that your Term numbers are off by one, because this would be Anne's Fifth Term. Again, I laugh at your tribulations on the PD table, mostly because it sooo mirrors everyone I have ever seen (myself included) get everything but what they were aiming for on that table. Now if only you could get some Dex, hey?

Sixth. (I don't know if you want to use it as it is a straight up House Rule, but around these parts, we believe failure is an option and so even if the TN shows an auto-success if the player rolls box cars (12) on a 2D roll they fail. Because even the great and mighty fall on their faces sometimes.) Ya gotta stop wanting the specific Characteristics and let the Dice flow, then you might see what you desire. Maybe. I do love she is this brawny, brainy chick who can't be trusted to carry more than on soda at time, and can't catch one to save her life. :D That's it because screaming at the dice make them work. :p

Seventh through Tenth. Yea, some Dex, nice to see. See that is why nobodies like Anne join the Merchants, just a few Terms on a liner and already she has advanced socially. Now she can go home with her head held high. Yea, Imperium!

Mustering Out, I am pretty sure it was you who was asking about ship pricing and shares, just to let you know a single Ship Share may be traded in for any starship type at the rate of 1 Share/25 tons. So a 200 ton ship needs 8 Shares, a 600 ton ship needs 24 Shares and a measly 100 ton ship needs a mere 4 Shares, and so on. Note this is for generic ships, not for a Career specific ship, they have their own costs (see page 108). If you just want the base cost in MCr, well somewhere on this subforum there should be [T5 Shipyard] thread where Rob has got the current builds in PDF. Those should have the standard version of the Type along with its costs and components.
Alright, I went through the character and ...

... Type along with its costs and components.

Thank you for all of that feedback, that was GRRRRRREAT <- Tony the Tiger

But really it was very helpful. :D

In terms of TERMS, I was thinking of a term as a four year stint, so I was lumping Masters and PhD together. Not lumping them together is fine, but then do you have a 5 year term when you fail to enter a career and successfully re-try, or is that a 1 year term and a 4 year term? Not that it makes a huge difference.

Good to note about the Driver skill. I actually am going to print out a cheat sheet with this info on it for myself to speed things up.

Having done this particular example, I think I would go with your house rule of 12 always equalling failure in character generation. Otherwise you would just have a Rogue (had to double check the spelling :p) with nothing to fear as everything on every term is based on a single stat.

Maybe if the Rogue chose 4 stats to use and had to alternate between them like other careers....

So, for ship shares, I'm still a little lost. How do you get career-specific shares? Are they just shares you get in a particular career? For example, would Anne have 1 scout share, 7 merchant shares, and 10...uh...I guess 10 MORE scout shares? How do these get used if NOT used to buy a ship out-right? What do you do with unused shares? Sell them? At what rate? Does that table on page 108 actually say that the Lab, Corvette, and Yaht are only 3 shares? And the Scout ship is only 1 share?

For example, Anne has enough for a generic, 400 ton ship with 1 share left over. How much can she sell that one share for? Can she use it for multiple ships? She's an ex-scout, so can she use all 17 shares for 17 Scout ships? The rules aren't very clear around this topic.
Oy! Players!

:p Okay, let me try and run some answers by you.

I figure every significant event as a Term, so if Anne's failed year when she didn't make it into the Scouts would be a Term of 1 year, labeled Term X Failed Scouts or some such reminder cue.

Lay a copy of your cheat sheet on me when it is done.

I like your idea about the four characteristics for Rogues. You should post that too, but you don't have to. :)

Now as to how much is a Ship Share worth in MCr? Got me, but I let The Baron Redsm, Captian Darin Hawk get a AM PP for two Shares and another for a five ship fighter element, so you could let her upgrade the ship with the extra share, maybe hire some really skilled, loyal crew?

As to Career Ship Shares, yep she has 1 Scout (legit), 10 Scout (stolen), and 7 Merchant (legit). With that she could have a Type-S, a Type-A and a Dosenov (or however it is spelled, too lazy to check it), or as you pointed out a 400 ton starship with a Share left over for smallcraft, crew and/or upgrades.

At least that is how I would rule.
Very "Solomani" name for a Vilani character.

Yeah, I was too lazy to look up Vilani names. My pocket empire is edgeward of the former Solomani empire and, while Vilani are definitely present, there's a strong Solomani influence. Which is to say that I've become used to not having to worry about Vilani names and it slipped my mind this time.
Last edited:
:p Okay, let me try and run some answers by you.

I figure every significant event as a Term, so if Anne's failed year when she didn't make it into the Scouts would be a Term of 1 year, labeled Term X Failed Scouts or some such reminder cue.

Sounds reasonable.

Lay a copy of your cheat sheet on me when it is done.

Will do. I think I understand how skills work enough now to create a rough draft of this. I'll try and get this done today.

I like your idea about the four characteristics for Rogues. You should post that too, but you don't have to. :)

Do you mean post it in the errata discussion thread? I wasn't sure what went in there so, until recently, I've only posted actual errors. I guess formatting problems and game balance issues can go in there as well?

Now as to how much is a Ship Share worth in MCr? Got me, but I let The Baron Redsm, Captian Darin Hawk get a AM PP for two Shares and another for a five ship fighter element, so you could let her upgrade the ship with the extra share, maybe hire some really skilled, loyal crew?

Well, according to Robject's site (http://eaglestone.pocketempires.com/ships/designs/Imperial - ACS-S-AL22-Murphy-class Scout.txt) a Scout should cost around MCr52.2, making each share of the Scout worth MCr13. Using that as a guide I think I would say that they can be sold for MCr equal to FLUX+5 each (giving them a value of 5 - 10 MCr).

For that kind of money I also wouldn't make the sale an easy one. Chances are I would actually make it their first adventure with the final sale being partly in credits, but mostly in assets that were not very liquidable. The liquidation of said assets could serve as further adventures. But that's just me.

As to Career Ship Shares, yep she has 1 Scout (legit), 10 Scout (stolen), and 7 Merchant (legit). With that she could have a Type-S, a Type-A and a Dosenov (or however it is spelled, too lazy to check it), or as you pointed out a 400 ton starship with a Share left over for smallcraft, crew and/or upgrades.

At least that is how I would rule.

If a Scout ship only costs a single scout ship share, couldn't she have 11 Scout ships in addition to what she got with the 7 merchant ship shares? Perhaps those "deals" can only be used once, and after that it's the standard 1 share per 25 tons?
Looks like there's another thing I missed: Career Knowledge skills. Anne would have also ended up with:

Career: Scouts-1
Career: Rogue-2
Career: Merchant-3

I don't think anything is gained for education, right? She wouldn't have Career: Academia-3, for example, correct?
How long did the process take you? I find that T5 character generation is quite fast, but I might be alone in this!
How long did the process take you? I find that T5 character generation is quite fast, but I might be alone in this!

2 days.

However, it was my first character and I hadn't read through all the rules prior to creating the character. My guess is that this will reduce down to 2 hours give or take another 2 hours depending on how detailed I decide to try to make the back-story (like if I go searching for some interesting tidbit in the Traveller cannon that I seem to recall might work well within the background - that can often take a while).

As a side note, I don't mind a long character creation time as I don't intend to have to do this every session. (Well, at least not for most of my campaigns. There are some....)
Looks like there's another thing I missed: Career Knowledge skills. Anne would have also ended up with:

Career: Scouts-1
Career: Rogue-2
Career: Merchant-3

I don't think anything is gained for education, right? She wouldn't have Career: Academia-3, for example, correct?

I think thats a fair Knowledge. I know I have it in real life. I have worked for professors, cut red tape, write etc etc.
Lay a copy of your cheat sheet on me when it is done.

First Draft done. Now I need to use it on a couple of character creations and see if having this printed out for quick reference speeds things up or not. Comments and/or suggestions appreciated.

(NOTE: I'm Canadian. I've disabled my spell check, but if there's spelling that looks odd, that's Canadian English. This is just a first draft.)
Not bad.

First Draft done. Now I need to use it on a couple of character creations and see if having this printed out for quick reference speeds things up or not. Comments and/or suggestions appreciated.

(NOTE: I'm Canadian. I've disabled my spell check, but if there's spelling that looks odd, that's Canadian English. This is just a first draft.)
Personally I would list the Knowledges indented and under the Skill. But other than that quibble it looks good.
Personally I would list the Knowledges indented and under the Skill. But other than that quibble it looks good.

I was going to do something to identify those anyway, I just hadn't decided what. Indenting is actually a great idea.

I've also added the Talents, Personals, and Intuitions. I don't use these yet (only because I haven't figured out how) but I thought they might come in handy one day.

Here's my next character. I was going to go for a craftsman, but it ends up VERY difficult to achieve.

Homeworld: Clown B431975-E Hi Na Po Cp (Cp requires starport A? But it's B on the map.)

World: Clown-4

UPP: 468566
DNA: 2364XX
Age: 18

Term 1: Apply to trade school
Apply target is 8, roll [4] = success
Major: Mechanic, Minor: Craftsman
Pass/Fail target = 5, roll [3] = success
Gained Mechanic-1
Age: 19

Term 2: Citizen
Apply: automatic
C3 chosen for CC
Citizen's Life roll target = 8, roll = [12] = failure
4 skills rolled for are:
Academic [6] = Electronics-1
Academic [3] = Craftsman-1
Academic [6] = Electronics-2
Academic [6] = Electronics-3
{NOTE: I am switching dice from here on in...that's 5 6's on 6 dice}
Age: 23
Forced Continue?: [8] – nope
World: Clown-5
{House rule: Citizen does not confer a career knowledge unless you successfully get a job. Ie. this knowledge is covered by the World: <name> skill.}

Term 3: Scout
Apply target = 6, [9] fail
Age: 24

Term 4: Scout
Retry target = 6, [6] success
C3 chosen as CC
Risk target = 8, [7] success
Reward target = 8, [2] success
Fame +4 (Fame Flux = -1) Total Fame: 3
Skills rolled for are:
Academic [6] Electronics-4
Academic [1] Mechanic-2
Academic [5] Electronics-5
Academic [6] Electronics-6
Academic [1] Mechanic-3
Academic [1] Mechanic-4
Academic [4] Craftsman-2
Academic [2] Mechanic-5
Career: Scouts-1
World: Clown-4
Age: 28
Forced Continue?: [6] – nope

Mustering out benefits
Citizen: Money [5] + 1 term = Cr 30,000
Scout: Benefits [6] + 1 term = Ship Share

So, after Trade school and 2 terms in careers, my character is as follows:

UPP: 468566
DNA: 2364XX
Homeworld: Clown B431975-E Hi Na Po Cp
Age: 28
Fame: 3
Money: Cr 30,000
Equipment: Scout Ship (and no idea how to operate it)
Land Grants: 1 on discovered world

Career: Scouts-1
World: Clown-4

Now, I was aiming for the Craftsman career...but I only got a total of 16 Master Points (End = 8 + Craftsman = 2 + Electronics = 6). I would need one more Mechanic skill level which would bring me up to 22 – half way there. Then I would need to take another term in Trade school to change my Major/Minor and do all that again for another 2 terms at least in order to get another 2 skills at 6 for a total of 34 master points....ONE skill away still.

This craftsman career is brutally hard to achieve...and not possible to achieve young.