The T5 PDF has been available on Far Future's Website for some time. - its on the Main Page.
Look again. There's no place to download a T5 pdf.
The T5 PDF has been available on Far Future's Website for some time. - its on the Main Page.
Look again. There's no place to download a T5 pdf.
I apologize. You are correct. The T5-PDF is on the T5-CDROM.
My comment on T5.
I don't own a copy, I was never part of the beta, or the Kickstarter, all my information I have gleaned from online reviews.
You should stop right there. In my experience a lot of reviewers (and not just for T5, but in general) just repeat what others say;
I've only seen one review like that.
So, since you said a lot of REVIEWERS do that, can you point to at least hmmm.. 4 of them?
You admit you've seen at least one, and I specifically said I made a general point, so I think my point stands.
While some of your criticisms are spot-on, I'll lend another voice: I like it. I haven't played yet, but it seems to me to be exactly what I hoped for: Classic Traveller Revisited, with the holes plugged and the system made consistent throughout.
You're right about the organization, but that's actually growing on me, too. But, as I've said elsewhere, I'm the kind of guy who likes to spend time learning the rules. REALLY learning the rules. On my 3rd pass, it's making a lot more sense now.
As someone else said, that's a barrier. In fact, I'm going to have to teach my players all the facets of the game to have any hope of it lasting more than a few sessions.
T5 is very "deep". Rich in content, light on fluff. Difficult to follow, but lacking very little meat (if you can find it).
But, for people really interested in pushing CT to its limits, I think T5 provides a framework for that.
NOTE: I haven't gotten the hang of space combat at all yet. Hoping when I get there in my 3rd pass now, it will start to "click" like the rest has.
You specifically said that you were speaking from your own personal experience. So what is that personal experience you speak of?You admit you've seen at least one, and I specifically said I made a general point, so I think my point stands.
I love T5, i used to love MT now its T5. The organization isn't really a problem for me, i think its quite well organized. Combat works well as does space combat, although it does take a read through or 2. My 1 main sticking point is the inclusion of all the probability tables, i just don't see the point of them. Roleplayers on the whole are an above average intelligence group and it should be fairly obvious if they have a skill of 12 what their odds of rolling less than that is on any amount of dice without needing to reference a table to find out. I would have preferred those same pages to be used on better and more examples of the rules.
Terrific. It's great to hear of other Travellers like yourself, enjoying the new work. My issues are mainly in terms of having to convince other Travellers of the great system that is T5. The players in my group, all wanted to like T5, but so far, there not. This is a shame as I see the game it wants to be and I like it. It's just such a shame that after all that Beta testing etc, that all those errors were not corrected before it went to print.
You admit you've seen at least one, and I specifically said I made a general point, so I think my point stands.
FYI, I noticed this trend on other games first, like the constant putdowns of D&D4 (which was an awful game, but a lot of reviewers merely restated other reviewers) or the grumbling about Hero System v6 (complaints about the loss of Figured Characteristics. D'oh, that was the point of v6).
As a GM, however (especially when designing characters and encounters during prep), I sometimes like to know precise probabilities as to what an NPC's skill (or the likelihood of a given event) are, so that I can tailor things in an adventure to what I intend them to be.
It would be great if Marc gave permission for the text/format/layout/artwork of starter traveller to be used as a basis for a re-flow/re-design of T5.
Leave out all the builders, leave out all the genetics etc. Only include enough to play the game with a couple of simple adventures.
Any traveller player, regardless of version, would get to see/use the core mechanics in a simple format.
Since all the material is written, it would just be a matter of layout/editing and example creation.