I've been thinking on ways to make heavy vehicles more vulnerable, and to make light vehicles a little more durable all at the same time.Here is the house rule I came up with.
When a vehicle takes damage, divide the total damage that penetrated the armor by 10 rounded up. Roll that many d6. If any d6 comes up as a “6”, a critical hit has occurred. The severity of the critical hit is equal to the penetrating damage divided by 10 rounded up. These critical hits are in addition to any due to rolling 6 or more effect.
When a vehicle reaches zero hull points, any excess damage inflicted is an automatic critical hit, with the normal severity of damage divided by 10. Any time a “hull” result is rolled or inflicted from a different critical result, instead of taking regular hull damage (which is already at 0), roll the number of d6 indicated by the hull result. If any of those dice result in a “6”, the vehicle is wrecked. Otherwise, the vehicle is still repairable and functional as far as its current critical damage will allow.
This might slow down combat just a hair, but I think it works for me. Let me know what you all think!
Edit: This is for MgT 2E
When a vehicle takes damage, divide the total damage that penetrated the armor by 10 rounded up. Roll that many d6. If any d6 comes up as a “6”, a critical hit has occurred. The severity of the critical hit is equal to the penetrating damage divided by 10 rounded up. These critical hits are in addition to any due to rolling 6 or more effect.
When a vehicle reaches zero hull points, any excess damage inflicted is an automatic critical hit, with the normal severity of damage divided by 10. Any time a “hull” result is rolled or inflicted from a different critical result, instead of taking regular hull damage (which is already at 0), roll the number of d6 indicated by the hull result. If any of those dice result in a “6”, the vehicle is wrecked. Otherwise, the vehicle is still repairable and functional as far as its current critical damage will allow.
This might slow down combat just a hair, but I think it works for me. Let me know what you all think!
Edit: This is for MgT 2E