I've found a few discrepancies or mysteries on the Regina subsector map. This will make you think (and probably laugh).
Let's start with the first on the list.
Efate 0105 A646930 D N W Industrial.
Starport A
Size 6
Atmo Thin, Tainted
60% Hydrographics
Billions of Inhabitants
Pretty normal looking until you get to...
Law Level 3 - Weapons of a strict military nature prohibited
Prohibited by who?
Government Type 0
Billions of Inhabitants and no government?
And Tech Level 13?
With no government?
What's their secret?
The plot thickens...
Yres 0202 BAC6773 7 Gas Giant
Starport B
Size A
Insidious Atmo
60% Water
Tens of Millions of Inhabitants
Law Level 7
Self-Perpetuating Oligarchy
It's all good until...
Tech Level 7
In an Insidious Atmo?
Ok, strange, but not impossible. As long as they have the Tech to protect themselves from the Atmosphere... Do they? At TL7?
But wait, there's more...
Menorb has Hydrographics of 20%, Billions of Inhabitants, but Tech Level 7. They must use all of their innovation and technical creativity in the search for water so those Billions don't die of thirst. Again, strange, but not impossible.
Forboldn is a colony according to The Traveller Book Library Data, with colonists sent from the Imperial Core, but it's only Tech Level 4? Those cheap bureaucrats in the Core sure know how to pick the lowest bidder.
And a few more...
Pixie is a Self-Perpetuating Oligarchy with a starport of A and less than 100 inhabitants at Tech 13. Everybody must work at the Starport. Or it's a Cult Compound. Wow, they sure would depend on trade. Unless they are manufacturing all of those TL13 goodies themselves. Now THAT sounds like the beginning of a colony. Unlike Forboldn.
Hefry is 0% Atmo, 0% Water, Tens of Thousands of Inhabitants, but Tech Level 7. Do they have the technology to be there?
Roup is a Tech Level 6 Waterworld with Billions of Inhabitants. I bet they've got their SCUBA diving technology locked in.
Kids: "Dad, what are we going to do for fun tonite?"
Dad: "We're going swimming!"
Kids: "Again?!?"
Dentus is Hundreds of Thousands of Inhabitants at Tech Level A with No Law Level and No Government. And a Class C Starport. Dentus and Efate are either Paradices or War Zones.
Enope Has Trace Atmo, but Billions of Inhabitants at TL6. Do they have the Tech to even build a Vacc Suit?
Wochiers Has a Law Level of C. In The Traveller Book, Imperial Fringe, AND Supplement 3. Um... doesn't Law Level only go up to 9? (But I bet their amplifiers turn up to 11)
Yorbund has an Insidious Atmo but TL7. How are these people building protection from the Atmo?
This one really makes me laugh...
Shionthy is a Red Zone interdicted Asteroid Belt, that has No Atmo and No Water with Tens of Millions of Inhabitants at TL8. What do they drink and breathe? Because they sure aren't shipping in any trade items like Oxygen and Water when it's interdicted.
Yurst is a Corrosive Atmo with Millions of Inhabitants at TL5. Again, with what Tech are they protecting themselves from the Atmosphere.
Keng is also Law Level C. Yes, in all three of the books mentioned for Wochiers.
Rethe is a Desert World with Tens of Billions of Inhabitants at TL8. Class E Starport. Whereas I hear the Festival is fun, where are they getting water from? It COULD all be underground - but very improbable.
Well, I see I have a lot of work ahead of me justifying all of this for a campaign - or leaving it for players to find as discrepancies after I fix it. Some improbable, but some just plain impossible.
Anyone else come across these problems?
Scout, Over and Out (and still laughing)
Let's start with the first on the list.
Efate 0105 A646930 D N W Industrial.
Starport A
Size 6
Atmo Thin, Tainted
60% Hydrographics
Billions of Inhabitants
Pretty normal looking until you get to...
Law Level 3 - Weapons of a strict military nature prohibited
Prohibited by who?
Government Type 0
Billions of Inhabitants and no government?
And Tech Level 13?
With no government?
What's their secret?
The plot thickens...
Yres 0202 BAC6773 7 Gas Giant
Starport B
Size A
Insidious Atmo
60% Water
Tens of Millions of Inhabitants
Law Level 7
Self-Perpetuating Oligarchy
It's all good until...
Tech Level 7
In an Insidious Atmo?
Ok, strange, but not impossible. As long as they have the Tech to protect themselves from the Atmosphere... Do they? At TL7?
But wait, there's more...
Menorb has Hydrographics of 20%, Billions of Inhabitants, but Tech Level 7. They must use all of their innovation and technical creativity in the search for water so those Billions don't die of thirst. Again, strange, but not impossible.
Forboldn is a colony according to The Traveller Book Library Data, with colonists sent from the Imperial Core, but it's only Tech Level 4? Those cheap bureaucrats in the Core sure know how to pick the lowest bidder.
And a few more...
Pixie is a Self-Perpetuating Oligarchy with a starport of A and less than 100 inhabitants at Tech 13. Everybody must work at the Starport. Or it's a Cult Compound. Wow, they sure would depend on trade. Unless they are manufacturing all of those TL13 goodies themselves. Now THAT sounds like the beginning of a colony. Unlike Forboldn.
Hefry is 0% Atmo, 0% Water, Tens of Thousands of Inhabitants, but Tech Level 7. Do they have the technology to be there?
Roup is a Tech Level 6 Waterworld with Billions of Inhabitants. I bet they've got their SCUBA diving technology locked in.
Kids: "Dad, what are we going to do for fun tonite?"
Dad: "We're going swimming!"
Kids: "Again?!?"
Dentus is Hundreds of Thousands of Inhabitants at Tech Level A with No Law Level and No Government. And a Class C Starport. Dentus and Efate are either Paradices or War Zones.
Enope Has Trace Atmo, but Billions of Inhabitants at TL6. Do they have the Tech to even build a Vacc Suit?
Wochiers Has a Law Level of C. In The Traveller Book, Imperial Fringe, AND Supplement 3. Um... doesn't Law Level only go up to 9? (But I bet their amplifiers turn up to 11)
Yorbund has an Insidious Atmo but TL7. How are these people building protection from the Atmo?
This one really makes me laugh...
Shionthy is a Red Zone interdicted Asteroid Belt, that has No Atmo and No Water with Tens of Millions of Inhabitants at TL8. What do they drink and breathe? Because they sure aren't shipping in any trade items like Oxygen and Water when it's interdicted.
Yurst is a Corrosive Atmo with Millions of Inhabitants at TL5. Again, with what Tech are they protecting themselves from the Atmosphere.
Keng is also Law Level C. Yes, in all three of the books mentioned for Wochiers.
Rethe is a Desert World with Tens of Billions of Inhabitants at TL8. Class E Starport. Whereas I hear the Festival is fun, where are they getting water from? It COULD all be underground - but very improbable.
Well, I see I have a lot of work ahead of me justifying all of this for a campaign - or leaving it for players to find as discrepancies after I fix it. Some improbable, but some just plain impossible.
Anyone else come across these problems?
Scout, Over and Out (and still laughing)