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National Geographic:2300


I'm currently (when work allows) building a mock 2300AD-themed issue of my favourite magazine, National Geographic. I started this because getting new players to read the players guide I found was a very boring and lengthy way to acclimatise them to the 2300 universe- a guidebook works much better. This has been an on-going project for about a year and, due to work constraints, have only managed to get about 10 pages written (for those who're fans of NG, that's Geographica, contents, cover, On Assignment, a few ads for bridgeport, Michelin, Quinn Optronics, Patriot Spacelanes, and Canon). I would really like to finish this project and am seeking helpful folks to assist me in doing so. Be warned, there is no pay, no promise of final production, only a mention as the article writer/photographer/artist. It's a fan-thing which means it's gonna take a long time to finish...it will not be sold only put (hopefully) on a website like 2300:accents.
Now, here's what I'm looking for...It's focus will be a special issue (september:2299) focusing on a tour of the human sphere and key aspects of 2300 (the main article, if someone wants to write it, will be on the stutterwarp). we will need articles on:
1-The stutterwarp (containing both layman and intricate knowledge if possible)
2-The Core Worlds (Earth & Tirane)
3-The sociology of 'Frenchness' (what is nationhood and what makes someone a French citizen in 2300?)
4-Ellis' pro's and cons on being the latest state of the union
5-Cold heights, warm hearts(How Manchu's strive with pride on Delta Pavonis II)
6-The grand tour (detailing in brief all the colony worlds and the alien races planets-each human planetary entry only being about 100 words with more dedicated to the alien homeworlds)
Ads are being done (im alright at those) but am always open to a new addition as well as advice on any subject. All matters MUST be CANON (or as near as possible regarding important matters etc). So, any takers? My e-dress is:
I REALLY would appreciate finished articles (Just text that is...I'll lay them out with free-stock pics in Illustrator) and would appreciate them in PDF format. Thanks and I hope I've got your creating juices flowing!
I have a fairly large article done on Baseball in 2300 -- written in a fairly National Geo tone, if you might be interested.
I think that's a really good idea. I'd like to contribute, but I'm kinda busy

Good luck.
Great Rodina! if you can touch it up with some references to 2300 locations it'd be even better! please e-mail it to:
preferably as a pdf. cant guarantee you'll ever see it again as work is getting busier but i'll do my best! At the very least, i'll lay it out for you (with intersecting ads if you like) and post it back. Any ideas where to get good (and royalty-free) baseball pics?