Actually, those higher order jump drives canonically are called: Hop (10 Pc), skip (100 Pc), Leap (1000 Pc), Bound (10 kPc), Vault (100 kPc)... Hop 1 is TL17, Skip 1 TL 20. IIRC, it's +3 TL per echelon; fuel is the same 10% per Rating, with rating being in units of the above mentioned distance... Note that scatter on a success is pretty low, but still makes hop subject to 1-2 days inbound burn, versus the 1/2 day for jump. Skip is wide enough that a hop or jump drive is essential.
If you're looking at T5, yes.
If you look at JTAS24, the more correct statement I should have made was that it is theorized that there are multiple higher level dimensions the pertinent quote is:
"It is this type of misjump that is used as evidence for a multiple jump space theory."
The throwaway comment about Jumps only being accurate to 1 part in 10 billion, or about 3,000 km for a 1 parsec jump, seems to imply that there always should have been some sort of scatter involved. The comment that the accuracy can degrade a 10 fold depending on other facts, means that the scatter probably should have been 3 t0 30 thousand km on a successful navigation skill roll.
I had to re-read the rules on Tasks for the MT rules, and found this to be interesting...
"Exceptional Failure: If the player's task roll fails, and is less than what is needed by 2 or more, then exceptional failure has occurred."
It appears that only on a hazardous task, does one roll on the mishap table, and a fumbled hazardous task results in a 3d roll on the mishap table rather than a 2d roll.
There is however, something of a disconnect in the rules from my casual reading of the rules in MT.
For safe tasks, a mishap results in a 1d6 roll on the mishap table. But on page 93 of IMPERIAL ENCYLOPEDIA, it has this to say about Engage Jump Drive:
"Safe Jump: A ship at least 100 diamters out from all massive bodies, using the proper fuel, and with properly maintained drives, can make a safe jump with no chance of a mishap"
Note that Engaging a Jump Drive is an Engineering Task, modified by Edu modifiers
To plot a course for the jump is:
"To compute the proper course for a starship making a jump: Routine, Navigation, Edu, 2 min (uncertain)." The problem is - that task description doesn't say anything about the effects of a mishap, and presumably, the task is required in order to qualify as "Jump Preparation" as listed on page 93.
So the only time a Jump mishap occurs, is if there is a failure by 2+ by the Engineer, not the navigator - precluding that process as being used to determine accuracy of jump rules for Traveller.
As for the Nature of Jump space in question, it is a nice piece of data to work with.