As I've been looking at ship designs for Traveller, I've been wondering -- how do the ship-design rules (CT or GURPS in my case, but any of them) account for the hazard of a fast-moving ship striking in-system rocks and other debris? From what I can remember, Star Trek ships had "navigational deflectors" to deal with this, but I can't recall seeing anything similar on Traveller ships that would deflect or destroy hazards like this. Are we assuming that the hulls are built to take these impacts (which could be extremely energetic), or is there some sort of deflector or shield that I've missed?
(BTW -- I've tried to sketch out a few non-streamlined ships--liners, ferries, etc.-- but if I include some sort of bulb of armor at the bow, they start to look really unfortunately phallic.
(BTW -- I've tried to sketch out a few non-streamlined ships--liners, ferries, etc.-- but if I include some sort of bulb of armor at the bow, they start to look really unfortunately phallic.