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Need help identifying ship

Was just looking at the ship on p46 of the MT Player's Manual. I always liked the lines of it. Has there ever been a name and design for this?
Thank you, @atpollard . I will look into TNE1248.

(edit) Well, there's a 300-dton Frontier Trader in 1248_Starships_1 (including deck plan). But it's not quite the same. I think the one in the Players Manual looks more like a 100 or 200 dton ship. I always saw it as more like a Beowulf.
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Well, there's a 300-dton Frontier Trader in 1248_Starships_1 (including deck plan). But it's not quite the same.
That was probably the one that I was remembering. I just remembered the “flattened disk” shape at the front.

The MT PM ship reminds me of a stripped Millennium Falcon.
I can see a "family resemblance" ...

CT AM6 Alien 06 Solomani.jpg
"Free Trader (type SA): Using a 400-ton hull, the type SA Free Trader is a moderate-sized ship designed for small-time merchant operations. It mounts jump drive-D, maneuver drive-D, and power plant-D, giving it a performance of 2G and jump-2. Fuel tankage of 100 tons supports the power plant and one jump-2. Adjacent to the bridge is a computer Model/1 bis. There are thirteen staterooms and no low berths. The ship has two hard-points, and two tons allocated to fire control; no weapons are installed. The ship has one 20-ton launch mounted in the nose of the ship. The cargo hold carries 160 tons. The ship is streamlined.
The ship requires a basic crew of five: pilot, navigator, two engineers, and a steward/medic. Two gunners may be added if called for. One of the engineers is assigned to pilot the launch. The ship can carry eight high or middle passengers. The free trader costs MCr133.4 (including 10% discount for standard design) and takes 14 months to construct.

[Posted under Fair Use Policy from CT AM 06 Solomani]

[I do not have DGP Aliens Vol 2.]
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What is interesting about the 400 ton Solomani is that bulge in the nose is a 20 dTon Launch that separates [if you read the description].
So the MT RM image could be a non-Solomani variant without the Launch.