LibreOffice has been compiled for Android, but it's pretty much useless as it stands and I'm not seeing any significant developer effort going into it, even though daily builds are being offered.
LibreOffice on Android
So much OSS has been developed as hodge-podges of code using everyone's favorite languages/libraries/toolkits all lashed together into one product that migration to a more sparse environment more similar to what we had in the early 90s is a significant problem.
Part of why I stopped working on OSS projects many years ago. I got tired of having to install a new suite of tools to be part of a team every time a new developer signed on that wanted to use some other VCIW coding means on top of those already on the project. Then going into dependency hell because of it, and having yesterday's clean build become unusable.
Still, hopefully someone will nibble away at the build until enough of the I/O functions work (e.g., working with the on-screen keyboard and finger pokes rather than requiring an external physical mouse and keyboard) that others will jump in and help finish the job.
Personally, I've just gone over to using Google Drive for now, then grab the files from there to my Mac or PC when I'm working there. For some things I just work in Drive in a browser there, for others I just go through download/convert, edit, upload/convert. If nothing else I get an automatic versioning system through the old files on the PC and Mac (when I convert I append a date to the filename to keep each version's filename unique.)