Malenfant wrote:
"So... you really think in what, 3,000 years of future societal evolution, people don't change?"
Dr. Thomas,
Why should we change in the next 3000 years? We haven't changed appreciably in the last 3000 years.
"And right now I'm one of those "lucky few" you seem to disdain so much. So are you. So's everyone here."
There is a difference; I've been there and you haven't. I've seen the peoples and places you only view by satellite TV from the comfort of your sanitary living room. I've seen it and smelled it. It's a reality for me and a theory for you. I've been there and you haven't.
There is another difference too; I do something about it every day and you, by your own admission, have done nothing.
"Or slaving away in a sweat shop in atrocius conditions for a pittance of a wage to make the clothes that we wear."
Clothes that you still buy, fruit you still eat, and coffee you still drink, right?
"Do you give as much thought to the human beings who suffer in the developing and third worlds as you do to the bioroids in the sweatshops in TS, so that we may have what we take for granted or that we can maintain the status quo that keeps us on top of the pack?"
The difference is that I do give thought to them and you like to think that you give thought to them.
"What have you done to make their lives better, if anything? If nothing, then get off that damn high horse of yours."
It's more like a broken down nag and I've done far more than you ever will. You like to pretend you care, it makes you feel good, but you never transmute those thoughts into the smallest of actions. Let me ask; where'd you get your coffee from this morning? There's a change you can make, a change that will make a difference for some folks. Of course, that cup may cost you a bit more.
"But I don't see anything I can do to change how the world works today, because right now the system is stacked against people who want that kind of change."
Ahh, the usual cop-out of the dilettante. I can't change it ALL so I won't even try and change a small part of it. Nothing but lip service as you reap the benefits of the system you decry.
"I think the whole of western civilisation has to collapse before anything better comes out of it."
Ooh, there's a nice thought. Let's reduce everyone to the same wretched level and hopefully things will get better.
"I hope it changes, I really do. I have to hope that it changes."
Spit in one hand and hope in another. See which fills up first.
"... then you must be a very bitter, twisted creature indeed."
Sadly no, I'm simply an honest one. Honest with myself and honest about others.
"And maybe I'm over-reacting here, but I very much resent it when people imply I'm a callous git."
If I merely implied that, let me correct myself. You are a callous git. In fact, you're worse than a callous git. A callous git doesn't know enough to care. You do know enough because and only pretend to care. You whine and mewl over the 'injustices' that let you enjoy your cushy life, you believe that those injustices must be addressed, and yet you freely say that you cannot change anything. You're worse than a callous git, you're a hypocritical git.
You are a luxury. Your life style, your education, your career, all of it. Everything about you relies on the sweat from the brows of others. You OWE them. You say you cannot do anything and you never try. Bullshit, Doctor. You OWE them to try. Will you pay a pittance more for your morning cup of coffee? Will you pay a few more dollars for a shirt that didn't come from a sweatshop? You can make those choices NOW, but have you?
When the system collapses how many planetary scientists do you think we'll need? You are a nothing but a luxury, a drone, a lily of the field. And you haven't even the courage to admit that to yourself. Do something, do anything, as every little bit helps. And, until you finally do something, quit mewling and pretending to care.
Do yourself a favor. Google Ursula K. LeGuin and the short story 'Those Who Walk Away From Omelas'. Then sit down and think. Then get up and do something other than whine.
William R. Cameron, aka Larsen