Now you're REALLY pissing me off.When the system collapses how many planetary scientists do you think we'll need? You are a nothing but a luxury, a drone, a lily of the field. And you haven't even the courage to admit that to yourself. Do something, do anything, as every little bit helps. And, until you finally do something, quit mewling and pretending to care.
What is your bloody point, Bill?
Do you want me to feel guilty that I'm a "luxury"? Do you want me to kill myself with remorse that I and everyone else around me is a shallow hypocrite? Or do you just get off in dragging people down into the festering pit of cynicism you wallow in?
Screw that, and screw you. And damn you for accusing people you don't even know of callousness. Unfortunately I can't really tell you what I think of your attitude here because the right expletives aren't acceptible here

I am fully aware of how crappy and hypocritical human society is. And I'm grateful that I live in a part of it that isn't tearing itself apart or screwing its people over six ways til sunday. Since you seem to have so much contempt for it, why don't you go back to the hellholes you've seen where you can live guilt-free?
Maybe you, on your much vaunted moral high horse, can sneer at my very existence, but I don't give a toss what you think about the validity of my existence. I'm just amazed and appalled at your sheer arrogance. I find your attitude utterly contemptible - you are twisted. But one thing's for sure, I certainly don't have to justify my existence to the likes of you.
But don't you dare ever make any assumptions over my attitudes again. You don't know the first damn thing about me.
That is all I will say on this matter, or indeed to you ever again.