Too small, and the neural complexity won't be present. Too large, and too much of the potential neural capacity is spent upon the body.
Likewise, the reach needed to work metal precludes the small end. The requisite size is due to leverage, distance of work from the body for body safety, and ability to expose to heat without overheating.
Similarly, size limits free limbs. Too small, they lack leverage. Too big, and they're essential for locomotion In 1G, everything I'm aware of above 300kg median mass currently on dry land is a quadruped. Bears can do limited bipedal motion, but the big ones don't go far at all on only 2 legs. Elephant Birds are presumed to have hit 400kg, but are extinct bipeds... likewise the giant Moa.
Likewise, large creatures seem to almost all be 4-limbed on earth. The extra limbs past that are noses, lips, tongues, or tails.
The sensors are likely to remain close to the brain, due mostly to the biological expense of neural tissue. Almost no vertebrates on earth have significantly displaced mouths, eyes nor ears. (The Hammerhead Shark is the notable exception.) If the brain is in a cephalo-thorax, then the sensors are likely to be initially on the same, tho' antennae and eyestalks might be present... but that reduces the available biological energy for the brain by diverting neural tissue to transmission rather than sensory processing.
Also, larger animals have much harder metabolic regulation issues - an elephant mostly needs to shed heat, even in a mild snowy winter. A rabbit almost always is looking to retain heat.
Which leads me to suggest a lower bound of about 20kg. (Big enough to do useful metalwork.) Likewise, I'd expect an upper bound of about 400kg for a sophont in 1G, but I'd be willing to bet that scales inversely with gravity... but I don't mind that the Virushi are presented as 800kg and descended from octopeds...
We are talking
ALIENS. Why do we assume they evolved on a 1G planet?
Also, if humans could evolve in 1G and adapt to a range, why couldn't another species do the same from lower, or higher, Gs?
For that matter, just look at dwarfs and midgets and ask why they would need 3 meters, deck to deck?
We either break with stereotypical prejudice on "what's possible for an alien", or we don't. If we don't, we're stuck with pretty much what we have now.
As for large land animals needing their appendages for locomotion? T Rex? Velociraptors? We know they evolved their forelimbs for some reason, just not what. It certainly wasn't for locomotion.
Elephant? What they can do with a proboscis is pretty amassing. Just imagine if they had developed more sentience.
We postulate a dolphin like race. No hands, no ability to use fire, but we use them anyway. Whales are vastly bigger, so why no whale ships?
Monkeys, even the small ones, are quite intelligent, as well as dexterous. As humans apparently use only 10% of our brains, why not a space faring race beings about their size?
And a true "hive intelligence" like the bee, or ant? Admittedly, they are small, but what if they were bigger? Or possibly nothing like that except for a hive intelligence?
Maybe an Amorphous Crystalline entity.
I'm just not going to go for the "it didn't happen on earth, so, it didn't and can't anywhere else." Kind of
Un-Traveller-Like to my way of thinking.
I'd really hope that the possibilities are endless, just we lack the imagination to see them.