Granted the theory is controversial, but why is that? Could it be that we do not like to think of ourselves as being a destructive species?
Climate change probably did contirbute to the european and north american exctinctions. But Australia apparently did not experience the same levels of climate change and while aboriginal people pride themselves on their ability to live in harmony with nature, there is a learning curve to attain this in any new environment. The extinctions in Australia coincide with the currently accepted arrival of aboriginal peoples. Once is coincidence, repeated several times in different locations it begins to look like a pattern.
From my readings of a number of books, around ten thousand in this point of my life, various academics don't like anything new. The 'not invented here so it doesn't exist' way of looking at things is in charge of science, archaeology, and many others.
Plate techtonics and Vikings making it to North America.
Vikings, when I was a kid back in the 1950s, were known for certain to have crossed the Atlantic Ocean and landed in Greenland. Archaeologiwsts refused to accept that they crossed from Greenland to North America.
About the time I started school one of the kids brought this up. The teacher made certain we knew that any claim the Vikings had made, say Nova Scotia, was nonsense.
Since then, Viking villages with small iron works have been found along the north coast of New Foundland.
As for the 'continents don't move' thing... I remember in school the statement, 'well, yes, the western hemisphere looks like it was once part of Europe and Africa, but that is just an optical illusion'.
In 1957, the International Geophysical Year showed the mid-ocean rift had pushed the contennets apart and made the Atlantic Ocean. And that South America was once part of Africa.
Note that Göbekli Tepe has doubled our list of human history. It is older than Egypt and Sumeria.öbekli_Tepe
Until it was found, the official line was Sumeria was the oldest civilization.
So, I try to keep an open mind about programming that is considered fringe on television.