Solar Panels
The Power Plants described in High Guard use nuclear fusion to generate power. While this process produces extensive amounts of power per dton of power plant or fuel, it has one weakness – it requires hydrogen fuel to operate, and long-term power generation requires large amounts of it. Normally this wouldn’t be much f a problem, as most ships dock at starports on a regular basis, but some designs – such as escape pods and space stations – might need to function for years between refueling. For that purpose, a relatively old technology could be used – photoelectric cells, arranged into solar panels. The following stats were adapted from MegaTraveller for use in High Guard. For hits during combat, consider the solar panels to be a Power Plant; the first hit at them halves their power production, the second hit renders them inoperative and the third hit makes them irrepairable.
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">TL EP dton MCr
6 1 175 2,500
7 1 90 1,000
8 1 45 375
9 1 15 105
10 1 7 37
11 1 4 17
12+ 1 2 6 </pre>[/QUOTE]Where TL is the Tech Level; EP is power generated in HG Energy Points, each equal to 250 Megawatt/Hour; dton is displacement tons taken; and MCr is cost in MegaCredits.
Note that solar panels used for relatively low-energy uses, such as powering Low Berths would be only fractions of the tonnage (and, thus, cost) of those shown in the table; basic life support consumes 0.001 MW per person; comfortable life support consumes 0.002 MW per person; an ordinary Low Berth takes 0.001 MW; an Emergency Low Berth uses 0.002 MW; a Hydroponic Garden (see below) uses 1 MW; Full Hydroponics (see below) uses 5 MW.
(to be continued)
The Power Plants described in High Guard use nuclear fusion to generate power. While this process produces extensive amounts of power per dton of power plant or fuel, it has one weakness – it requires hydrogen fuel to operate, and long-term power generation requires large amounts of it. Normally this wouldn’t be much f a problem, as most ships dock at starports on a regular basis, but some designs – such as escape pods and space stations – might need to function for years between refueling. For that purpose, a relatively old technology could be used – photoelectric cells, arranged into solar panels. The following stats were adapted from MegaTraveller for use in High Guard. For hits during combat, consider the solar panels to be a Power Plant; the first hit at them halves their power production, the second hit renders them inoperative and the third hit makes them irrepairable.
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">TL EP dton MCr
6 1 175 2,500
7 1 90 1,000
8 1 45 375
9 1 15 105
10 1 7 37
11 1 4 17
12+ 1 2 6 </pre>[/QUOTE]Where TL is the Tech Level; EP is power generated in HG Energy Points, each equal to 250 Megawatt/Hour; dton is displacement tons taken; and MCr is cost in MegaCredits.
Note that solar panels used for relatively low-energy uses, such as powering Low Berths would be only fractions of the tonnage (and, thus, cost) of those shown in the table; basic life support consumes 0.001 MW per person; comfortable life support consumes 0.002 MW per person; an ordinary Low Berth takes 0.001 MW; an Emergency Low Berth uses 0.002 MW; a Hydroponic Garden (see below) uses 1 MW; Full Hydroponics (see below) uses 5 MW.
(to be continued)