Reherakhte said,
As for the Second World War, it is a bit facile to claim that it was started by a nation that didn't learn the lessons of the First World War. Germany had learnt the lessons of the First War only too well, their initial success and the deaths and suffering of those that opposed them show this well enough. And how did you reach the conclusion that PBI was denigrating the suffering or sacrifice of people in World War Two? And before you launch any vitriol at me, keep in mind that my grandfather was killed fighting the Germans in WW2 shortly after my father was conceived, neither my father nor I had the chance to know my grandfather so it HAS had personal consequences for me.
Germany seemed to have learned different lessons from the other countries in Europe who participated in World War II. France Pioneered the use of tanks in W.W.I, and found them quite useful, but instead of investing heavily in tanks, the French came to some general conclusions about War in general and how bad it was. The Germans didn't take home the same lessons, it worried more about improving their weapons systems that in avoiding war in general. The fact that war was wasteful of human lives was lost on the Germans.
Facts are that the French imposed such overbearing sanctions upon Germany after WW1 that there were probably only two outcomes, the collapse (and possible destruction) of the German nation or that the Germans would fight back against the oppression given the right leadership (kind of like the way the Serbs claimed to be fighting back against Austro-Hungarian oppression or the way the Kurdish people have had to fight back against Turkish oppression etc. etc. etc ad nauseum, ad infinitum). The French did this more out of spite than necessity. Hitler was quite clever in his restructuring of the German economy, he gave it a reason to rebuild and he gave the German people their pride back (and I just know that someone here is going to use that statement as a platform to claim that I am a Nazi sympathiser or some such crap, kindly refer to the statement above about my grandfather).
The French weren't enforcing these reparations after a while. The Germans realized this, nothing actually compelled them to go to war and waste more lives. France's government was taken over by pacifists. The problem with Pacifists is that they often only recognize their own country's part in starting wars, and don't recognize other countries contributions to a general state of War. They look at their War Department and wonder why their is a government department that specializes in waisting human lives on the battlefield when they can be doing other things, the conclude with the simplistic notion that cutting funding to their war department will reduce the chances of war. What they did instead was reduce their chances of winning the next war as Germany and its leadership saw only opportunity to conquer its pacifist neighbors who were unwilling to invest resources in a proper defense. The resources of these neighboring countries were not insignificant, so by conquering the pacifistic countries first Germany could aquire more resources to fight those other countries later who were more willing to put up a fight. The result is that the UK, and Russia found themselves fighting a collosa European Empire, this Empire was put together rather quickly, and was made up of small countries the UK and Russia weren't willing to previously assist in their defense, and of large countries such as France who was not willing to invest in offensive warfare. Germany + Austra + Poland + France + Belgium + Netherlands + Czeckoslovakia was a much greater problem for the West than Germany alone. The US stood apart to see if it could still avoid direct involvement in the War.
The temptation of Neutrality in World War III is present and France succcumbs to it by abandoning its allies just as France abandoned Czechoslavakia and Poland in World War II. I just don't see how the Americans can avoid being angry at the French after losing so many lives in the War. Were I in such a situation, I doubt I would be very hospitable to any French people that crossed my path, especially after losing family members to nuclear warfare and seeing the French get off scottfree exercising an option that was not available to the United States so it could be the Benedict Arnold of the NATO Alliance. I would regard Russians as nothing less than murderers, but I would let them off the hook a little, after all they were supposed to be our enemies and were. The French on the other hand were supposed to be our allies and were not, this is a kind of betrayal, that resonates with our current Iraq Situation but at a much larger degree in the World War III situation. Under the Twilight 2000 alternate history, I don't think there would be as many group of liberals saying that we diserved what we got and that World War III was an "Immoral War" and we should therefore pull out. With millions dead, I think most people in America would look cross at such talk. Most people would know someone who was killed or missing, they'll look at their ruined cities and seethe when they think of the Russians and the French, I don't see how it could be otherwise. According to the last Presidential Election, the electoral map seems to indicate that most people of the liberal pursuasion would tend to live in cities and metropolitian areas that would be ruined in the Twilight wars. The farmers and the people in the countryside would be less directly affected. Yes some nukes would be directed to destroy missile silos, but the population density in those areas would be much smaller than in urban areas. I think were looking at a post Twilight country that is slightly more conservative leaning than it was prior to the war. Some libs will say, we should have given the Soviets what they wanted and avoided the confrontation by pulling out of Europe, but it is too late for the present situation. Americans must deal with the current reality, and have no time for should'ves or could'ves. They want to know how to get this country back on its feet and pay back the Russians for the massive destruction they've caused, they don't see that they Russians have already been paid back as thy are not in Russia, all they see is th destruction inflicted on their own country. Many places don't have power and few get a television signal of any sort when they do. the News services were based in cities and few survived. No more CNN or Fox News. I imagine that the French are still launching satellites and soon satellite television will be available to paying customers who appreciate French programming.
I think ultimately there are no lessons in history.
I think World War III could have been fought by brave people who were defending their liberty in a just cause, and that their may have been no other course they could have taken that would not have led to their subjugation.
I think one thing the Americans in the Twilight World succeeded in doing was preserve their freedom, this was done at enourmous cost with millions dead and cities destroyed, but the alternative could have been a Soviet dominated World. France was taking a gamble when it declared its neutrality, they were betting that the US would fight, France would stay out of the fray and the US and USSR would destroy each other, leaving France as the most powerful nation be default. the Risk was that the United States would pull out of Europe and declare its neutrality too. The Red Army would then invade Western Europe and attack France. France and the USSR would have a nuclear war, or more likely not, the Red Army would march into France with little resistance as the Germans had done in World War II. The Soviets Would then have conquered Europe, it would only be a matter of time before they once again confronted the United States and knowing that the US had once backed down in face of their aggression, they'd expect the US to back down once again being unlikely to backdown themselves flush with victory as they are.
Generally though Tom, I don't disagree with some of your ideas about how to write or even rewrite the background history of Twilight 2000. There are indeed many ways to do it and no one way is necessarily better than any other but I am reminded of another thread in this forum where the poster said that he had difficulty explaining the Cold War to some younger players, these younger men replied to the Twilight player that they were not really worried about all the facts and figures of the history, they simply wanted to play the game. So in the end, the gameworld history is only going to matter to a certain crowd.
I am simply recalling what I know and guessing the rest. I don't think there is a pcifist moral lesson to be learned here. To act like the French would have been to accept a Soviet victory and a Soviet dominated world. In many ways, I think a Soviet dominated world would have been worse.
There is a phrase quoted by some liberals, "Better Red than Dead." This is equivalent to "Render unto Ceasar." Some liberals, it seems would have willingly made themselves slaves to the Soviet Empire in order to avoid nuclear war. Perhaps the rationalize that the Soviets wouldn't take too much and leave them alone. They would have given up the liberties and civil rights they cherish so the can go on living. Democracy would die and "Democrats" would be rounded up unless they cooperated.