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NEW PSI Drugs & Tech

like me you are all intersted in new toys to amuse, confuse and confound the players but few GM's have dared to try-out creating new PSI drugs (apart form a blocker) in my experance. now even before GT I tried with some suscess to import some of the drugs and tech from gurps pisonics in to my CT/MT and TNE campains. so i was woundering if anyone else had some good stuff for use in CT/MT or TNE they would like to shere hell even T20 stuff provided its not too rules suspsific.
New PSI Drug "Recovery"

TL: 10 (liquid form)
12 (pill form)
Durasion: 6hrs
Effect: once concumed the Pision recovers an addisional point of Piosonic Strength per hour for six hours (note concuming this pharmasutical dose not count as a pisonic action) such recovery occours even if pisonic activitys (use of powers or drugs) are undertaken before or after the use of this drug. over use of this drug (GM's option) can lead to the retardasion of normal Piosonic Strength recovery and posibly lead to psycholoical and nurological disfuncion, this drug should not be mixed with psyodelics and you should be carefull when mixing with mood-altering chemicals and other nuro-stumilants (ie some examples of other PSI drugs)

Cost: 100cr (X 2-5 on black marcket) short life liquid (for use in hypos)
150cr (X5-10 on black marcket)long life liquid (for use in hypos)
200cr (X5-10 on black marcket) pill form
cost of transport may increse prices by a factor of two

short life liquids have a shelf life of about three months when kept in optimal storage condisions (usualy refrigrated and suspific lighting) and a cupple of days or a week at the outside if incoractaly stored.
long life liquids have a shelf life of about three months in normal condisions and six to tweleve if stored in favrobale condisions (even longer for higher TL production types some times up to a decade).
pills have a shelf life of about three months if stored in "medicine cabinet" condisions and six to tweleve if stored (or up to about three years at higher TL's) if stored corectly.

The Zhodani are capible of prodsusing this drug at two tech levels lower dut did not develop it untill the stated TL's.
One I toyed with was a little thing called...

Psi Damp - Developed in secret during the height of anti-psionic prejudice this chemical works by inhibiting and depleting the neural recharging of Psionic energy in anyone who ingests it.

Effects begin three hours after consumption in food or drink at which point the person loses up to 2 points of Psi per hour. The possible 1 point per hour that rest normally restores and a drain of 1 point of Psi per hour in addition to that. This drain is not normally noticed until the individual attempts to use a discipline at which point they will drain the points they specified, up to what they have left to effect, often resulting in Psi trauma if the attempt was for more points than remained.

It has a slight sweet fruity taste that is not hard to disguise in appropriate food or drink and in plain water makes for an interesting light refreshment drink.

Attempts by the Imperial Military to mass produce the drug for battlefield use against the Zhodani were unsuccessful, as were tests of aerosol versions.

Cost for one dose is Cr500 and the effects last for a total drain of 15 Psi points lost or potentially recovered. It is only available on a roll of 12+ to Nobles at this cost. Others may acquire it through alternate channels if they are aware of it but the cost is 10 times that listed. Manufacture requires TL10 and the scarcity is similar to that of other Psi-Drugs. Use Soc over 10 in place of Streetwise for a DM for legal purchase due to Noble connections.

An example:

A Psion with 5 points ingests a dose at the evening meal compliments of his paranoid host and then retires. Three hours after the meal just having drifted off to sleep the effect begins.

Over the next hour the Psion loses 1 point, dropping them to 4 points and 1 point of recovery is inhibited. The dose now has 13 points of effect left.

Come morning after sleeping seven hours, with seven hours of drug inhibited Psionic potential the Psion has 0 points and the drug has used up 12 of its 15 points of effect. 10 for the five hours to drain the Psion's points and inhibit the recovery of the same, and 2 more for the next two hours of sleep when it only needs to inhibit recovery.

Our sleepy Psion awakens and as part of his morning ritual does a quick "Life Detection" in his near vicinity, attempting to read out to about 30 meters. Normally this would cost the Psion 3 points but, unaware of the slow drain, the points aren't there.

The Psion flexes the talent and suffers mild trauma (3 point psyshic wound*) and discovers that something is very wrong. Because the Psion attempted to use his talent he will have to wait three hours before recovery can begin, at which time the remaining 3 points of dose inhibiting will kick in putting normal recovery off for three more hours. Presuming the paranoid host doesn't slip our Psion another dose in the meantime.

*Psychic Wounds are another CT mtu idea. It is damage of a serious but usually not permanent nature. For each point reduce the Psion's Psi total by one point. These points are recovered at the rate of one per week. If a Psion suffers a Psychic Wound that reduces Psi to 0 they are in a coma for a week before they recover points. If Psi is pushed into negatives there is a chance of death (13 on 2d6 with DM -1 per negative). The coma lasts 1 week plus one week per negative point in this case. After recovery from this more serious trauma Psi is permanently reduced 1 point. I came up with this as an alternative to the CT rules for Psi Drug abuse and to introduce other effects, such as that above.

None of this ever saw any actual use in play though so its rather untested. I'd be interested in any feedback if anyone tries it out.
Just turned up some more notes on recovery and discoverd that i broped the TL's to 8&10 respectivily and had the Joes makeing liquid recovery at TL7 and pills at TL8 but not dicovering them till the aproprate TL's prices and effects stayed the same.

in TNE Recovery will aleavate any fatigue incoured within an hour of concumsion or prevent it from ocouring in the first place for six hours.
Here are a few of my toys that fit the bill.

PSR psi reader
A neural activity sensor that has been adapted to detect the specific brain waves attributed to the use of psionics. This technology begins to appear at tech level 10. Artificial Psionics are unreliable at best but at tech level 14 the Psi reader becomes an exemption. The PSR-14 can not only detect psionic activity with out fail, it can also tell you exactly what sphere of influence is being used. This is a god send for casino owners who don`t want a telepathy to come in and take the house. Note, a very skilled psionicist can bypass the reader by using the hide mind technique. (D20 Skills-n-Feats Psionics System)

TL 8 cost KC 1 size 0.1 power 0.2 base range close 10m

Psionic inhibiter
Basically a psi shield helmet turned inside out.

TL 8 cost Cr 4500 weight 1kg

Psi bomb
An almost practical application of artificial Psionics. Any one within the nine meter blast radius will suffer the effects of a telepathic assault. Shielded minds are unaffected. Note, artificial Psionics are very unreliable, roll 1D6 to seen how effective it is. A roll of 1-3 means that the has failed to go off, 4-5 means it worked but only partially, a roll of 6 means no problems and the bomb has worked perfectly. If a 4 or 5 was rolled then roll a D10 percentage die to seen how many in the blast radius have bee effected. The minds farthest away from the grenade but still in the blast radius are more likely to be effected. If the grenade failed to go off it may still explode at minimum efficiency in a later round. Roll 1D20 DC 10+1 per round after initial activation. If the DC ever reaches 20 (ten rounds) the grenade will then be very useful as a paperweight. Only available on Zhdant or other worlds with a high psionic population.

TL 14 cost Cr 250 weight 1kg dmg all stamina and 2D6 lifeblood blast radius 9m
The DarkTek sourcebook for Dark Conspiracy provides lots of inspiration for those who want to venture onto the Dark Side of psionics.

I have also wondered what would be the various devices used by the psionic intelligence services (both Imperial & Zhodani).

Interrogation scene:
"Come into my mind and try to find me..."says the psychopathic killer to the Imperial Officer.

In turn the Imperial Officer becomes the psychopathic killer through simple mind-to-mind transfer. Players are hired to track down the ripper before the lux cruiseship makes planetfall...

Or taking a cue from Shatner's Tek series the psi drugs that are on the market are recreational drugs that allow one to invade another's mind or experience a reading of surface thoughts. As the trip progresses more and more random psionic effects manifest before disappearing combined with a strong hallogenic property the user is left between not knowing the real and the illusion only to desire another hit.
That (TeK) might be where I got the idea for temporary effect Psi drugs that "awakened" latent talents. Kinda like you describe, take a dose of (insert talent) and you experience a short effect as if you had the talent if you make your roll to check for the talent, a secret referee roll of course. If the roll fails you hallucinate an experience like the talent you anticipated and believe it to be true. And as you say, very addictive.
Im revising a drug called "Enhancer" in it's first and most basic incarnasion it had a high munchkin factor later try's solwly brought it to a point where it had no in-game application (just lile the anti-munchikin first rivision) and was always then (if ever used at all) used in down time for the drugs orignal stared purpouse (as in the fluff text) so hear is the fluff text and orignal deatiles and the first rivision once i get somthing not overly munchkin but still workable i'll post it to

TL 10
Form injictable liquid or oril pill
Durasion 1/3 hours

Efect: wile under the effect of this drug the pision in question has one feild of pisonic endever (pisonic skill) enhanced to the next leavel of ability provided that it is not above their govening capibility (pisonic strength)their are Enhancer drugs for all the majior feilds of pisonic ability, the Arcana or Spechial feild is beleaved to be beound the grasp of even the most advanced and bruilant Zhodani PSIchemests. in feild condisions due to flucating boi-chemestiry of the subject the drug losses efective potancy with in one hour but under cilinical condisions the drug can stay in effect for up to three hours. the drug was orignaly developed for use as a training aid so if the subject regulary (three time a week for a month) practices wile under the effects of an aproprate Enhancer they recive a +1 DM Mod to their next PSI skill advancement roll in that skill feild.

The non-munchikin version only acts as a training aid and has no in feild use.

main line Impirial sicince (ie that availible to pisonics instuites)can only produce short shelf life injectable liquids Impirial reserch staisions can produce a limited amount of long life injectible liquids. the few pisonic instutites capible of makilg enhancer can onlu prosuse one or ocasionaly two kinds making them relient in trade with other instuites and orginised crime or the Zhodani fo acess to the full regement of injictible liquids or any of the pills.

Cost; 100cr 150cr for teleport (X5-10 for black marcket orX2-5 for other sources) short life liquid
150cr 200cr for teleport X5-10 for black marcket orX2-5 for other sources) long life liquid
200cr X5-10 for black marcket orX2-5 for other sources) oril pill form