But it's not something that would have come up by the time of the Classic Era, much less any time earlier, since nanotech replacement of brain cells is not a known technology.And one that can could certainly happen again - and a "nanotech panic" is probably a more valid fear than psionics...
Not at all. I'm arguing that it is perfectly plausible that the Imperium would not have promulgated any Imperium-level laws disenfranching cyborgs, and that there are solid reasons to suppose that such is the case. Note that I do not claim that there is proof that it is the case.LOL! I don't actually agree with that. My understanding is that you are arguing for a OTO that proceeded upon perfectly logical routes and my understanding of your reasoning is that because things didn't happen X way or because we know tech works Y way that the laws and concerns developed many years previous to any TL being achieved interact logically.
I'm glad to hear that the remembered quote that I presented to support my arguments in a previous post was accurate.Interestingly, I dragged out my copy of TD #12 where it notes that Cleon notes the "sentient lifeform yadda yadda" but also that he explicitly excluded robots with "One may argue that an intelligent robot might be sentient but it is definitely not a lifeform."
That's quite possible and I haven't said anything to the contrary. The whole brain replacement argument is a digression. All I said was that IF one was compelled to prove to a court of law that a brain whose biological cells had been completely replaced by nanobots was not sentient, one might find that difficult. Especially if it was, in fact, sentient, but even if it was not, you might have trouble proving it. (Unless you count "Well, it stands to reason, dunnit?" as proof, which I don't.)So, I would suggest that while bionic replacement of the vast majority the body is fine the grey area (barely comprehendible at the time of Cleon I) it is exactly the sort of bionic replacement like the "brain replacement" that is likely to be illegal or cause people to lose "personhood" - your robot brain may be sentient, but "you" are not a lifeform anymore.
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