The Black Watch Inc.’s Design Division would like to supply the following design for consideration for the world of Mikkeli for replacing there aging fleet. (I’m using T20 for the design, not using any program, just writing and figuring the old fashion way, i.e. paper and pencil, lol) We at Black Watch LLC understand that flexibility is needed in ALL military operations so we shall have a second layout ready for you, should you decide to buy from us, knowing that flexibility is everything in all military operations. Each would have its own strengths, but few weaknesses, *small chuckle* And of course, we would be glad to build them for you at a discount for using our designs, of say 5%.
Class: Watcher Class Patrol Ship (Primary) EP Output: 60 (21 excess) Weapons: *
Tech Level: 11 Agility: +6 (+6 EP) Fore Turret
Size: 350 Tons Initiative: +6 (+6 EP) (Pulse Laser (X3), USP:2,
Streamlining: Fully AC: 27 (Base:10+11 Armor+6 Agility) Damage: 2d10 X3 (X2) **
Jump Range: 0 Repulsors:
Acceleration: 6-G Nuclear Dampers: Left Turret
Fuel: 60 Tons Meson Screens: (Pulse Laser (X3), USP:2,
Duration: 1 Month Black Globes: Damage: 2d10 X3 (X2) **
Crew: 10 AR: 11
Staterooms: 12 SI: 130 Right Turret
Small Cabins: 0 Main Computer: Model 4 (Pulse Laser (X3), USP:2,
Bunks: 0 Sensor Range: Long (Model 4) Damage: 2d10 X3 (X2) **
Couches: 0 Comm. Range: Long (Model 4)
Low Births: 0 Crew:
Cargo Space: 2.39 Tons Cost: 339.79495 MCr (new) Pilot
Atmospheric Speeds: NoE= 1475 kph Engineers (4)
Cruising= 4425 kph Maximum= 5900 kph Medics (2)
Gunners (3)
Other Equipment: Steward (optional)
Fuel Scoop Passengers (12)
Fuel Purification Plant (9 hours/200 tons)
Staterooms (12)
Freshers (2)
Autodoc (1)
*= Turrets are set up so that Each can be brought on to the same forward target or up to three separate targets, in a 360 degree arcs
**= The computer is set up to run the Double Shot computer program, so the Power Plant provides enough power to do so. Also the computer has the independent gunnery controls for each weapon, leading to individual shots.
Computer Specs: 642.95 KCr .81 Tons
Type M3, Advanced Synaptic Core, Low AutoLogic, with full Verbal Command
Programs: Anti-Missile, Return Fire, Double Fire, Gunner Interact, Predict, Weapons Systems, Pilot: 5, Gunnery: 8, T/Sensors: 8
In addition, knowing that your worlds, need a way to transport the Watcher class ship, we also submit the following tender/carrier
Class: Uplifter class Tender/Carrier EP Output: 132 EP Weapons:
Tech Level: 15 Agility: (3) Triple Pulse Laser Turrets
Size: 3000 T Initiative: (Pulse Laser (X3), USP:2,
Streamlining: Fully AC: 13 Damage: 2d10 X3 (X2) **
Jump Range: 1 Repulsors:
Acceleration: 2-G Nuclear Dampers: Turrets set up 3 on top, each side and
Fuel: 432 T Meson Screens: bottom
Duration: 1 Month Black Globes:
Crew: 100 total (including watcher crews) AR: 3
Staterooms: 48 SI: 300
Small Cabins: Main Computer: Model/5
Bunks: Sensor Range: Very Long
Couches: Comm. Range: Very Long
Low Births:
Cargo Space: 436.8 Tons Cost: 1236.88 MCr (new)
Atmospheric Speeds: NoE= 1175 kph
Cruising= 3525 kph Maximum= 4700 kph
Other Equipment:
1 Rec. Room ( based on 2 staterooms worth of room)
1-Engineering Shop
Fuel Scoop
Fuel Purification Plant (11 hours/200 Tons)
5-extra Airlocks
3-Watcher Bays (1155 Tons equivalent)