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New T20 campaign! The Traveller Adventure

MR Shaddath of Austrailia:

From the triad of evil-Rat-bastiid-GMs (Ancient Bryan Gibson, Captain Blacklight(here on CoTI), and Myself), a resounding thank you sir for the kind words! <bows>

Mike Rourke/Site mgr, ISS URSULA
aka in these parts as
from The Traveller Adventure: Memoirs of a Merchant Captain...and His Crew
---Traveller's Aide Society Press, 1116

Leedor on Aramis: 001 to 013-1114

All our trouble began with that stupid Vargr!

You know, I just wanted to spend a quite two weeks on Aramis while our fat trader, the
March Harrier underwent her annual maintenance. The Doc and his wife were taking a vacation from the rest of us surly louts to catch up on their marriage. Kigu' was overseeing the work on the ship. The rest of the crew were on holiday--paid of course. Looking back, maybe I should have made myself unavailable as well.

You would think that grown men could stay out of trouble, but what do you expect from a bunch of ex-grunts. The two weeks would have been uneventful and even boring, even with the spectacular crash of the Akerut freighter
Mammoth and the subsequent villification of their very incompentent engineer, Jelika Chan, and even with Holiday celebrations with the Marquis waving to us from the balcony. The excitement would have been Lou, Tito, and I gambling at TAS. Of course, I am sure we are now blacklisted.

It all would have been routine, but then Gvouzdon walked into our lives. About day two, Vincent and Tito first saw our troublesome friend. He was getting kicked out of the local museum for causing a stir like most Vargr are apt to do when they don't get their way. Later that evening my heroic crew intervened in the break up of a mugging. Surprise! It was the Vargr!

I would have walked on or at least called the authorities. Ex-military takes things into their own hands, I guess. Doc tells me that he was pretty messed up when they brought him in. Vincent suffered some cracked ribs, but the thugs got away. Predictably, Doc wasn't too upset. I'm sure Rani was. I would have been. He's always been a sucker for a lost cause. The rest of us, thanks to the events that occured, have joined the club.

Even after he bit Lou in some weird Vargr power play. Even after Al smacked him across the snout with the but of his ACR, they didn't throw him out. So much for the captain being the authority on his ship. Lou and Al, amidst my protests, even broke into the museum to steal this brooch that the Vargr said belonged to him. So now we're in a heap of trouble, and we're not (well, we can't)going back to Aramis anytime soon. It gets worse.

The last day Lou, Tito, and I were relaxing at TAS. Gvouzdon tagged along. Bad idea. I was lucky to get out of there with my life!

Tito saw the trouble at the entrance to the lounge first and informed Lou. We checked for the Vargr. He was missing. Lou rushed to the fresher. I heard two BANGS! and a howl or growl, and then a blood-curdling scream.

It was surreal: Baron Tito rises to his full height and brandishes his pistol. The thug at the door runs with Tito chasing after him. Lou comes out with a bloody Gvouzdon in his arms. The Vargr's mouth drips blood...(Lou later told me that Gvouzdon had torn out the thigh of thug #1 before passing out). I gagged. Then I heard two more gunshots from outside.

Lou said something like, "Let's get out of here!"

I radioed Kigu and Al back at the ship to start prepping for a quick take-off. Fortunately, the transfer and cargo loading had gone smoothly and my crack crew had already gained permission to leave etc, etc. As if they had predicted trouble...

Anyway, we ran out of TAS. I saw Tito drop some heavy creds on the cowering maitre d' and we took off towards the shipyards. Outside, I saw a heavyset, older gentleman standing over the body of thug #2. Two holes had been blasted in his chest. I made a command decision.

"Need a ride offworld?" I motioned to the body.

Mr. Atari (I got his name later) shrugged his shoulders.

"Let me just get my things."

"Meet us at Berthing A17!"

Then I hustled after Lou and Tito.


Dude met us and we took off, placing the Cause-or-all-our-trouble in a low berth. I really, really thought serously about jettisoning him into space once we headed towards 100d, but I think I was too stymied by the other surprise.

Rani, at first to my joy, had found a high passenger to add 10K to our coffers. She said he was an old friend of her's and the Doc's. Great, I thought, another Vargr. It was worse.

Epetlatl is his name and he's a *******, Zhodani!
I haven't taken my psionic shield helmet off since I found out.

I think I'm losing control of my crew!


First officer's addendum:

The captain had to be sedated shortly after take-off. Apparently, the events at the TAS hostel, our new high passenger, and the dialog with the custom's cutter, which Baron Tito handled splendidly, was too much for Captain Lenard. Dr. Chevalier gave him something to calm down.

*All place names and adventure hooks are borrowed from The Traveller Adventure by Marc Miller for inspiration in this campaign log
That was hilarious. The Captain's view, from first person is good. All the trouble stemming from just one source seems about right. That is how it usually begins. Just one being, not necessarily all that bright mind you but one being just the same to get the ball rolling. The crew seem to be a sucker for lost causes and charity cases. What about the cash man? I thought traveller was about making the big score, or is that me in my greed. Oh, well either way I am enjoying playing and reading, rock on Smythe.
from The Traveller Adventure: Memoirs of a Merchant Captain...and His Crew
---Traveller's Aide Society Press, 1116

Astrogator's Log: Aramis

My shoulder is still sore from where Gvouzdon bit me. Poor Vargr. Even though he is a bit rash, I still like him.

I have to document for my own records the strange case of Roet Bannerji captain of the
Wolbutn. I have a very strong feeling we'll run into him again. Call it good old Vilani Intuition. Algesh' and Kigu' agree. We found his wallet. It had the strangest itinerary. We returned it and then he leaves offworld right away leaving us hanging at dinner. It gets stranger. The next day some Naval Intelligence guy trying to be all slick tries to hire me to spy on B. I saw right through his cover story. I have run into too many Intel in my time especially on ?????.

I recall saying to him:

--Mr. Giilaan, the Imperial Navy might still sign your paychecks, but it doesn't sign mine. Make me a better offer.

Fortunately, unlike most Naval Intelligence, he was quick. So now we see if we run into Bannerji again.

Also, unlike the rest of the crew, I believe the brooch that Gvouzdon wanted so desperately to recover, is more important than it seems. Tukera was looking for it. Algesh' and I found a note stating such. Not even Kigu' could figure out if there was more to the jewelry than what was obvious, however. While Gvouz' recovers, I am holding on to the brooch.

Next stop Natoko.
Interesting, the second officer's log, how very navy of Luu the astrogator. He forgot to mention how it was his buddy Algeshakirkhi, for using the butt of his ACR to teach the Vargr some respect. Well since everybody is going to keep a log. I suppose the first offcier needs to post his log as well. All this writing I tell you. But I do love to read this post. WE need more input from some more readers. I cannot wait to play again. We have some interesting people aboard ship.
Originally posted by Al:
Well since everybody is going to keep a log. I suppose the first offcier needs to post his log as well.
As long as I get to edit it first! :D

And can continue to edit it as I see fit.

And the first officer posted an addendum to the captain's log.

Do you actually want Gvouzdon or Epetlatl to submit a log also?

Come to think of it writing in Vargr or Zhodani might be fun.
everyone's favorite Vargr...redone for T20!

Gvoudzon(NPC) Male Vargr Mercenary/Professional 7/1
Hair: Brown (peppered with gray) Eyes: Brown Ht: 1.75 m Wt: 64kg Age: 38
Str: 13 Dex: 19 Con: 15 Int: 15 Edu: 14 Wis: 13 Cha: 15 Soc: 11 HD: 7d10+1d6+16 Stamina: 66 Lifeblood: 15 Init: +8 Spd 12 m (8 Hex/SQ)
AC: 14 (Dex)
Saves: Fort +7 Ref +6 Will +7
Atk: +11/+6 Melee and Ranged
Skills: T/Computer +5, T/Mechanical +7, Ride +4, Handle Animal +2, Leader + 9, Liason +6, Initimidate +9, Gambling + 7, Driving + 11, Pilot +7, Hide +5, Move Silently + 5
Feats: Armor Prof (light), Armor Prof (Vacc Suit), Armor Prof (Medium), Weapn Prof (Marksman), Weapon Prof (Combat Rifleman), Improved Initiative, Quick Draw, Point Blank Shot, Evasion, Sneak Attack (+1 die), Uncanny Dodge, Vessel (Ship's Boat), Vessel (Grav)
Languages: Vargr-Gvegh (R/W), Galanglic
Possessions: none

While his history will pretty much remain the same as outlined in The Traveller Adventure(Miller, 1983), I have changed Gvouzdon a bit to reflect my concept of him. For example: He does not possess Gunnery skill. To me he was more of a 'leader' than a spacer, learning skills that would promote his survival--hence the close combat feats.

Summarized from The Traveller Adventure(page 27):

G. spent 12 years in Kforuzeng, a corsair band ranging several subsectors just coreward of the Imperial border. Eventually, Gvouzdon rose to the rank of Force Leader. A power struggle nine years ago left Gvouzdon with the losing minority faction. Gvouz, in order to maintain his prestige among his fellow Vargr joined Aegzaeng, a smaller group of corsairs that shared the same range as Kforuzeng.

As a former force leader with Aegzaeng's rivals, Gvouzdon was given a position as an emissary between the two bands. In the course of eight years Gvouzdon saw expansion of Kforuzeng and the contraction of his own group. He saw the writing on the wall, Aegzaeng would be absorbed and G. would be back where he started. Before the blow to his charisma could hit, he put his affairs in order and left, taking among other things the Brooch that apparently is more than just a piece of jewelry.

Since his resignation, Gvouzdon has wandered from world to world taking odd jobs here and there and trying to keep a few steps ahead of the Kforuz and heading generally towards Imperial space.

Shortly before the crew of the
March Harrier first sees him, he has just lost his possessions having being taken advantage of by a local pawn shop.
from The Traveller Adventure: Memoirs of a Merchant Captain...and His Crew
---Traveller's Aide Society Press, 1116

Natoko to Patinir: 021-039:1114

(Due to the continued deterioration of the Captain Lenard's sanity during these last few weeks, 1st Officer Algeshshakirkhi Khudelamishikhar has taken over log duties and together with Luudakirurikek Gaakhir have assumed joint command of the ship)

First Officer's Log:

Well it looked like a good deal, but it was not. If I return to Natoko, I will certainly have a conversation with that broker. Luu talked me into upgrading our ship so that we could have "longer legs". In effect, we purchased a poor man's jump-2. Those fuel tanks even take away cargo space!

To use the old Solomani expression, "He played us." to haul cargo for free in exchange for "giving" us these tanks. The result: we had to buy twice as much fuel with a nearly empty hold.

On this last trip from Natoko to Patinir we lost 120,000 Imperial credits!

And we made dire enemies.

I am beginning to agree with Captain Lenard. All our trouble started with Gvouzdon. I can not overstate what has become an irrefutable fact. As we head towards the Trojan Points here in the Patinir Belt, we are only a jump or two ahead of Tukera. We have learned thanks to the incredible help of our new Ship's Security Officer, Mr. Atari, that Tukera have sent the Vemene on our trail. We learned that the men we killed on Aramis were household guards for the Marquis of Aramis. The Vargr is a wanted being probably throughout the subsector.

Atari and Dr. Chevalier are proposing to do all they can to change transponder codes and signals once we reach port, but that will only delay. Vincent reported that on Natoko, a Tukera fast courier
Wasp was brimming with Tukera agents. Fortunately, he did not engage. Atari caused a ship and station shut down as we left, but again that will only delay the inevitable. They also tried to infiltrate my ship....

[a pause]

I had to use extreme prejudice to stop the invader. Kigu' has promised me that all trace and evidence has been incinerated, but we had to scrub the lounge for nearly a week to remove all the blood. By the Great Mountains of Khushan! This just adds to my list of worries. Thank the Maker for the shugilli!

Even though he has pushed my buttons and tested his abilities at our expense, Epetslatl has "joined" the crew. Like Baron Tito, he is a paying passenger and apparently has the wealth to continue on board, like the Baron.

The incident happened in the lounge, which is fast becoming action central on board. Epetslatl tried to cause me to fear, a concept foreign to my people. Fear is a disease! Instead, his experiment encited an adrenalin rush. I was in the Zhodani's face in no time. No wonder their commando's feared us!

Vincent was there by my side, quickly drawing his cutlass. Epetslatl, with a thought tore it from his grasp and buried it into the bulkhead. Mr. Atari, who had quickly become the Zhodani's friend, pulled Epetslatl back and Baron Tito calmed me down. I gained a respect for the mind-controlling Zhodani noble that day.

Thus, the lastest incident has gave me tremendous pause. The faulty calculations of our astrogator, Luudakirurikek Gaakhir caused us to misjump. It was a horrible, gut-wrenching experience that gave all of us uncontrollable nausea and many of us vomited and wretched the whole time. In the daze and confusion, Epetslatl barged into the bridge crying, "She'll kill us! She'll kill us all!"

Then he shot Luu. Fortunately, the laser blast only tore into his shoulder (and not the one that the Vargr had bitten). We quickly subdued the Zhodani and placed him in a low berth. When we exited jump, fortunately within the Patinir system, the chronometers reset and Luu proclaimed that his brilliant plot had save us three days. Wiping the meal of the day from our vacc suits and instrument panels we all glared at him.

It is a good thing that Luu does not get lost in real space also.