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New to Traveller I guess

Quick back story - started traveller back when I first got into roleplaying, but before I got more than 2 games under my belt my friend departed. Over the years I got books from second hand bookshops and even picked up a used copy of T:TNE. Roleplaying wise I am a veteran, touched on everything except it seems Traveller. I recently purchased 1st edition Mongoose Traveller and broke my brain on their failure to adequately explain character generation. So it went back on the shelf and I went after T5.

Now character gen in this is a lock that needs to be picked but when picked it opens a treasure chest! I love this version as its one of the few RPGs that I can open and always find something I have not read before, as the 8th Doctor said its FANTASTIC!

Now after all of that glowing review, or abysmal first post ever I have an issue the chart for Habitable Zone Orbit. Hopefully not a :CoW:
Glad to hear you are having fun.
Could you clarify your question?
What about the "Habitable Zone Orbit"?
Welcome, HR.

As much as I like T5 it's not without some problems but we'll try to help out. The first thing you should do, if you haven't already, is check out the latest version of the errata which can be downloaded from the beginning of this thread. Then, to paraphrase atpollard, if you could be more specific... ?

Sorry for a tardy response. The chart in question was on page 80 and is chart 3. Though after reviewing page 432, I do wonder at it's importance. Frankly I may avoid the rules for home world creation and create or reuse a sector. Hence while the marvellous you tube character example uses page 82 ready generated home worlds occurring in the Spinward marches. Hope this makes sense.