Major B
SOC-14 1K
I’m working on a unit organization to fill a role I see for the Imperial Marines IMTU. I thought I’d post what I’ve worked out so far, to generate some feedback as I work through the development.
The mission requirement is to have an organization that can set down on a chosen site and secure it. The site can’t be particularly big because that would take a bigger formation, probably a combat formation, which is a larger commitment. I see a need for a smaller formation, capable of handling relatively low-level threats plus having enough capability to deter a larger attack. What I mean is that the arrival of this unit would signify Imperial resolve to prevent a site from being attacked because it would be understood that any attack on this unit would generate a larger (and more unpleasant) response from the Imperium. Therefore, the unit needs to find a balance between being small and deployable and having enough combat power to be a credible deterrent, backed up by the threat of retribution against any group brash enough to actually attack.
The capabilities required are:
- Nuclear Damper (essential for securing a site if the world has those weapons and the threat of using nukes is a likely reason why the Imperium would intervene)
- Meson Screen (optional but very useful)
- Point Defense
- Ground antiarmor defense
- Ground antipersonnel defense
- Indirect fire (counterbattery fire capability – rather than just shoot at the incoming rounds why not hit the source?)
- Some mobility (not for everyone but some patrol vehicles would increase their ground coverage)
- Dismount troops (not a lot but there are some roles that will require dismounted soldiers, like manning a security checkpoint)
Some considerations:
Rather than creating Nuc. Damper and Meson Screen vehicles, and since the force needs a deployment vessel to reach the site they must secure, it makes sense to put the Nuc. Damper and Meson Screen on the vessel. Since the force is now vessel-based rather than just vessel-transported, it can also use more powerful sensors than what can be put on a vehicle. It also simplifies long-term billeting arrangements as the troops and crew both live on their ship.
This leads to an imperative to make this a joint unit, mixing Navy and Marine personnel under a single commander (who could be either).
The Marine section is currently 20 personnel with 9 light grav vehicles organized as follows:
- Ground Security Squad: 9 Marines (two fire teams of 4 each plus a NCOIC)
- Point Defense / Antiarmor Squad: 9 Marines with 9 1-man vehicles (2x long range point defense (laser), 2x medium-range PD (fusion gun), 2x short range PD (RP plasma gun), 2x MRL launchers, 1x utility vehicle)
- Headquarters: one officer, one NCO, and add a corpsman (Navy) to bring the total to 21.
I’m still working on the ship (using MT rules) but it looks like this will all fit into a 300-Td hull. It has a factor 7 Nuc. Damper and factor-7 Meson Screen, along with a beam laser turret and two sandcaster turrets. The ship is capable of 2G with agility-2 and has a model-8/fib computer (this reduced the crew size to what you see below). I’m trying to decide whether to make the vessel jump-capable or not. I’ll likely have to go with a bigger hull (400 Td, maybe 500) if I add jump drives. Maybe a jump shuttle will be good enough, but that limits the strategic usefulness of the unit.
With the current incomplete design (300Td, no jump), the crew calculations give me a Navy crew of 16 (not counting the corpsman with the Marines). When I add the Marines in as ship’s troops, the calculations increase the command crew by three so I’ll make the detachment HQ with 3 personnel (officer, senior NCO, admin/supply NCO). The officer and senior NCO positions in the Det HQ will be joint billets (can be filled with Marine or Navy personnel, not both from the same service though).
The Navy crew breaks down as: Command-2, steward-1, Bridge-1, Engineering-2, Gunnery-11 (the Nuc. Damper and Meson Screen operators, plus turret gunners). The overall total number of personnel is now 41.
So, I’d appreciate any feedback on these questions that will help to flesh out the unit:
Is there a need for this type of force?
How large of an area do you see a need to secure?
Is the ground element large enough? Too large?
What jump capability does the vessel need, if any?
Are there any other required capabilities I haven’t thought of?
Is the meson screen really important? If so, can it be made large enough to protect beyond the hull of the ship?
The mission requirement is to have an organization that can set down on a chosen site and secure it. The site can’t be particularly big because that would take a bigger formation, probably a combat formation, which is a larger commitment. I see a need for a smaller formation, capable of handling relatively low-level threats plus having enough capability to deter a larger attack. What I mean is that the arrival of this unit would signify Imperial resolve to prevent a site from being attacked because it would be understood that any attack on this unit would generate a larger (and more unpleasant) response from the Imperium. Therefore, the unit needs to find a balance between being small and deployable and having enough combat power to be a credible deterrent, backed up by the threat of retribution against any group brash enough to actually attack.
The capabilities required are:
- Nuclear Damper (essential for securing a site if the world has those weapons and the threat of using nukes is a likely reason why the Imperium would intervene)
- Meson Screen (optional but very useful)
- Point Defense
- Ground antiarmor defense
- Ground antipersonnel defense
- Indirect fire (counterbattery fire capability – rather than just shoot at the incoming rounds why not hit the source?)
- Some mobility (not for everyone but some patrol vehicles would increase their ground coverage)
- Dismount troops (not a lot but there are some roles that will require dismounted soldiers, like manning a security checkpoint)
Some considerations:
Rather than creating Nuc. Damper and Meson Screen vehicles, and since the force needs a deployment vessel to reach the site they must secure, it makes sense to put the Nuc. Damper and Meson Screen on the vessel. Since the force is now vessel-based rather than just vessel-transported, it can also use more powerful sensors than what can be put on a vehicle. It also simplifies long-term billeting arrangements as the troops and crew both live on their ship.
This leads to an imperative to make this a joint unit, mixing Navy and Marine personnel under a single commander (who could be either).
The Marine section is currently 20 personnel with 9 light grav vehicles organized as follows:
- Ground Security Squad: 9 Marines (two fire teams of 4 each plus a NCOIC)
- Point Defense / Antiarmor Squad: 9 Marines with 9 1-man vehicles (2x long range point defense (laser), 2x medium-range PD (fusion gun), 2x short range PD (RP plasma gun), 2x MRL launchers, 1x utility vehicle)
- Headquarters: one officer, one NCO, and add a corpsman (Navy) to bring the total to 21.
I’m still working on the ship (using MT rules) but it looks like this will all fit into a 300-Td hull. It has a factor 7 Nuc. Damper and factor-7 Meson Screen, along with a beam laser turret and two sandcaster turrets. The ship is capable of 2G with agility-2 and has a model-8/fib computer (this reduced the crew size to what you see below). I’m trying to decide whether to make the vessel jump-capable or not. I’ll likely have to go with a bigger hull (400 Td, maybe 500) if I add jump drives. Maybe a jump shuttle will be good enough, but that limits the strategic usefulness of the unit.
With the current incomplete design (300Td, no jump), the crew calculations give me a Navy crew of 16 (not counting the corpsman with the Marines). When I add the Marines in as ship’s troops, the calculations increase the command crew by three so I’ll make the detachment HQ with 3 personnel (officer, senior NCO, admin/supply NCO). The officer and senior NCO positions in the Det HQ will be joint billets (can be filled with Marine or Navy personnel, not both from the same service though).
The Navy crew breaks down as: Command-2, steward-1, Bridge-1, Engineering-2, Gunnery-11 (the Nuc. Damper and Meson Screen operators, plus turret gunners). The overall total number of personnel is now 41.
So, I’d appreciate any feedback on these questions that will help to flesh out the unit:
Is there a need for this type of force?
How large of an area do you see a need to secure?
Is the ground element large enough? Too large?
What jump capability does the vessel need, if any?
Are there any other required capabilities I haven’t thought of?
Is the meson screen really important? If so, can it be made large enough to protect beyond the hull of the ship?