Spinward Flow
SOC-14 5K
Whut.Command would send the ISS assets in first.
Especially since they have been in-system and observing the targets the entire time......so, they'd have the best situational awareness and intel

How ... leisurely ... of a recon allowance are you assuming here?
Are you thinking in terms of "jump lag" at all?
@GLΩAMING has not yet provided a J# limiting number for the routing to get to this location, but if it's 3+ then it's unlikely that Type-S Scout/Couriers can be dispatched to go have a look-see (and report back).Yes, I should have specified. Neutral space about a dozen parsecs away from Imperial space.
Assuming we're talking about a destination "12 parsecs away" (basically "a subsector over thataway"), even at J2 that's going to be something close to a 7 week voyage one way (because refueling after each jump will take time) even if you're making 6J2 to get there. How long did it take the PCs to jump that far to bring word about this to the IN?
HOW MUCH TIME IS BURNING AWAY while dithering with a recon mission via Scout/Couriers that could take 15+ weeks to jump out, do recon of the system, then jump back to report?
Do YOU want it to go on your service record that when warned of an "unexpected fleet of assets" in unknown condition that because of your command decisions, it took

Also, why are you assuming that IISS assets are just ... THERE ... in no time at all after the PCs report comes in?
Does the IISS have (ansible grade) teleportation tech or something that allows them to transit "about a dozen parsecs" in no time flat?
The IN is probably "uninterested" in the mothball fleet as a "return to service" type of military asset (and I agree that restoring them as museum pieces would just be ... wasteful).Probably not, to all of these. I generally wouldn't repair something that uses specifications older than my interstellar state. And the idea of repairing an ancient battleship at the cost of millions of credits to serve as a museum piece sounds like a far, far future Onion article.
That said, it's possible that the computers of that mothball fleet may have information that could be of military (intel) value, present day ... such as Calibration Point(s) that do not appear on modern day maps, which would be worth investigating (and if possible, securing).
So while the IN is probably "not interested" in the mothball fleet as a target for repair/refit/reuse ... you know who would be?

Therefore, just because the IN might not be interested in restoring the fleet to full functionality, any Pirate Kings lurking out there in the "wild space" beyond the border would most DEFINITELY be interested in securing that mothball fleet for themselves. Heck, even if the cultists were to simply SELL the mothball fleet to an interested Pirate King who could "get it fixed up and start wreaking havoc with it" would be enough to make heads roll at the IN for allowing that to happen after having been given warning and the opportunity to prevent it.
So the real threat of a restoration back into service wouldn't be coming from the IN, but from (deep pocketed) third parties who could put the mothballed fleet to use ... in ways that would basically make them warlords. The kind of firepower that a Tigress equivalent battleship can bring to bear
Point being that even if the IN has no interest in "keeping" the mothball fleet (for themselves, for use) ... the IN would have a VERY KEEN INTEREST in making sure that NO ONE ELSE can get their digital appendages onto it either.
I agree."Limited site fry with smaller scale troop deployment" is the idea I'm currently going with for Imperial strategy here.
However, the way the briefing in the OP reads suggests that dealing with this situation is going to be something you want to have to only deal with THE ONE TIME™. Attacking unsuccessfully (or even getting caught gathering recon) will put the cultists on alert, prompting a "hunker down" and observant response.
The best odds for success are to go in with enough forces (ground+support) to secure a victory by the commander on scene, rather than needing to send back and request reinforcements to deal with a situation that has spiraled out of control. The advantage of surprise on an initial strike is not something to be traded away (for nothing) lightly.
The cultists might not ... but who are their suppliers and who supports the operations of their cult?I feel like an isolationist cult wouldn't be repairing battleships...

If you follow the money (and the gossip) trail, could it lead back to ... oh, I dunno ...

Because if it does, the cult isn't your only concern here ...