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No response re missing Order

Dear Sir,

I have tried sending this to any/all email addresses mentioned on your site, and not a single response within 24 hours ... just like no shipment of the goods paid for for, in one case, six months plus, and the other, a month.

Yes. I know this is probably not the "right" forum ... but, frankly, it seems the only way to get some attention since you will not act nor have you bothered to reply.



On the 16th of October I ordered a copy of the Traveller Books #1-3 Reprint and, as of today, I have not received it.

In the meantime I have received items ordered from another games retailer in the US ten days ago (not ten *working* days, but ten *days*).

I also noted, when doing my Tax return recently, and looking at my Credit Card statements, that an order for the same item on 1st May 2007 was made, and, likewise, has not arrived yet ... which I had forgotten about when I made the repeat order.

It would seem *extremely* unlikely that the first order was ever filled. In around 38 years of purchasing stuff from the US I have *never* had an item that was *actually shipped* go missing. Ever.

No exceptions. If stuff was shipped, it has *never* been "lost". Ever. Possibly not shipped till a complaint was receved (common) or not shipped by the method paid for (common) ... however, even surface mail should have arrived since May for the first missing shipment.

Since four weeks have passed since the order date of the *second* order (and this, as noted above, is more than enough time for it to have reached here even with recent changes to US overseas mail services), unless I receive a response from you explaining why the shipment (either, both) has/have not been made then I will need to consider taking recourse to other options.

I would appreciate the courtesy of a prompt reply and believable explanation.

If you cannot fulfil the order then I would also expect a prompt indication of this and an equally prompt refund.

Phil McGregor
Phil, I will send Hunter an email. Hopefully he will respond shortly.

If you get through, could you please let him know at least two people (posting in the COTI website issues folder) have trouble getting the merchant prince download to work? we've both sent emails as well.

Sorry for the thread jack. It seemed on topic enough to post, though.
Phil, I will send Hunter an email. Hopefully he will respond shortly.

I emailed him at the address provided on this website.

Still no reply

48 hours and counting.

Are they serious about anything resembling customer service?

Another 24 hours and I am contacting my Credit Card company and moving to have the charges on the second order revoked (its too late, sadly, for the first to be so treated).

Unless they get serious with customer relations, how do they hope to remain in business?

I mean, they can check their email from almost anywhere in the world even if they're away from their nominal home address for some reason.

Does this mean Hunter has vanished again?

I'm due a royalty payment on the T20 Players' Book on the 15th. Today is the 21st and I've heard nothing.

There is one legitimate reason why that might happen - if my royalty comes to less than $250 in any given month it's held over. But the book is listed as QLI's top seller, so for it to fail to sell what I calculate as about 35 copies in its first month things would have to be very bad indeed. I suppose it's possible.

The other explanation is that Hunter has vanished again, and that's not a good sign either.
I've hard from him in the past day on other matters, so he is still around.

Then what is his excuse for not having the simple courtesy of responding to my emails and to the post on this forum.

If he has done this sort of disappearing trick before, well, lets say that I won't be expecting a response by tomorrow. So it looks like I'll be getting my credit card company to do a chargeback.

Such lack of basic courtesy, not to mention anything even vaguely resembling customer service and, frankly, business ethics, simply isn't acceptable.

If he has had a pattern, or seems to be developing a pattern of such behaviour, then it looks bad for the survival of QLI. Credit card companies, I would imagine, don't like people who seem like ... unwilling ... to provide services or products paid for and who are, essentially, uncontactable, as clients.

And, no, sorry, in these days of Yahoo and GMail accounts, claims of "problems with my email" are, frankly, laughable. Especially when he's not responding to *any* of his email addresses, not responding to posts on *his* forums, and not responding to his own forum moderator, one presumes, pointing out that he has issues to deal with.

All it takes is a simple "Phil, I'm looking into it ... I'll get back to you soon" ... and, of course, a follow up that is "soon."

How hard can that be for a genuine businessman?

Phil (who is getting less and less impressed with each succeeding revelation)

Phil, I've emailed you concerning this issue. Your second order has shipped. The email concerns what you want to do about the first.
Phil, I've emailed you concerning this issue. Your second order has shipped. The email concerns what you want to do about the first.

I will look forward to it arriving in c. 2 weeks ... since this seems to maximum shipping time that applies from the US and has been for many years.

As for the first order, please send it as well ... it will do nicely as an Xmas present for someone I know who is also a great CTrav fan.

Thank you for finally responding.

I will look forward to it arriving in c. 2 weeks ... since this seems to maximum shipping time that applies from the US and has been for many years.

It shipped via First Class Mail so yeah I'd say 2 weeks tops.

As for the first order, please send it as well ... it will do nicely as an Xmas present for someone I know who is also a great CTrav fan.

I sent you another email regarding this.
Well, this took some finding.


Royalties on the T20 players book arrived in November on time. Turns out nothing was owed on October. In hindsight it might have been useful to have a statement to that effect or something. My own query seems to have not been received, which is presumably why it wasn't answered.

End result, nothing to worry about though at the time there were concerns.
Well, this took some finding.


Royalties on the T20 players book arrived in November on time. Turns out nothing was owed on October. In hindsight it might have been useful to have a statement to that effect or something. My own query seems to have not been received, which is presumably why it wasn't answered.

End result, nothing to worry about though at the time there were concerns.

Much appreciated!