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Odd idea on Deckplans


SOC-14 1K
Peer of the Realm
Have you ever considered remapping the Displacement Ton as a single 1.5 meter square?

I am toying with models to use with miniatures, and shrinking the overall bulk of smallcraft would be nice. In that it would leave more room on the table.
You could do 2.12 m squares (7ft), 2m high
which would yield roughly HO scale (22mm).
or 2.43 (8ft) cubes, which would yield approx 1:96 (19mm)
Have you ever considered remapping the Displacement Ton as a single 1.5 meter square?

I am toying with models to use with miniatures, and shrinking the overall bulk of smallcraft would be nice. In that it would leave more room on the table.
Well, that'd work with everything except for living space. Remember, standard (LBB2 and LBB5) accommodations provide an average of 200ft2 per person, which is all the space you get for at least a week of confinement!

You can't take a walk around the block or hang out at that nifty bistro downtown. 200 square feet, that's it.
You could do 2.12 m squares (7ft), 2m high
which would yield roughly HO scale (22mm).
or 2.43 (8ft) cubes, which would yield approx 1:96 (19mm)
That should be 2.12m x 2.12m, 3 meters tall.
2 meters would give you 2/3rd of a ton.
so if you went with that you would get 2 tons for every 3 squares.
I am toying with models to use with miniatures, and shrinking the overall bulk of smallcraft would be nice. In that it would leave more room on the table.
Have you tried using smaller small craft?

A 50 Dt cutter is huge, a 10 Dt runabout is often quite enough.

Something like this perhaps:
Spacevan: MCr 5.5 (in quantity), 10 Dt, 3 G, 2 workstations, 5 Dt available space, so 10 people, an air/raft, or a cargo container. Good enough?
GL-0103301-000000-00000-0        MCr 6,8          10 Dton
bearing                                            Crew=1
batteries                                            TL=9
                         Cargo=5 Fuel=1 EP=0,33 Agility=3

Single Occupancy                                    5         6,8
                                     USP    #     Dton       Cost
Hull, Streamlined   Custom             0           10           
Configuration       Needle/Wedge       1                      1,2
Manoeuvre D                            3    1       1         0,5
Power Plant                            3    1       1         3 
Fuel, #J, #weeks    J-0, 3 weeks                    1           
Computer            m/1                0    1       1         2 
Couch                                       2       1         0,1
Cargo                                               5           
Nominal Cost        MCr 6,75             Sum:       5         6,8
Class Cost          MCr 1,42            Valid      ≥0          ≥0
Ship Cost           MCr 5,40
You could do 2.12 m squares (7ft), 2m high
which would yield roughly HO scale (22mm).
or 2.43 (8ft) cubes, which would yield approx 1:96 (19mm)
For the record I am using 15mm figures with a 1/100th scale for ground and vehicles.

So it is more about Space on the table. Though a 50 dTon scout does tickle my fancy.
The simple answer is to print the deck plans with 5/8" squares.
that would scale them to just over 15mm.
The simple answer is to print the deck plans with 5/8" squares.
that would scale them to just over 15mm.
3/5ths is closer, (I have a bunch of hand drwan designs that are done up on five to the inch graph paper. Now I use 5mm dot paper instead). But I can print in metric. Heck I mostly build in Metric like science it is easier that way.
Have you ever considered remapping the Displacement Ton as a single 1.5 meter square?

I am toying with models to use with miniatures, and shrinking the overall bulk of smallcraft would be nice. In that it would leave more room on the table.
it then become 6m tall...

Note that TNE used 1 square, but it was 2m/square, and 3.5m tall
Those designs look like death-traps...all the emergency gear (locker) is the other side of the largest volume from the crew.
I can't say I have properly considered this, but I don't really see what you mean. The nearest locker is literally directly across a corridor from the cockpit & crew:
Skärmavbild 2022-08-14 kl. 18.48.png
The craft isn't big enough for anything to be far away, but a locker is 2 m away from the pilot, and the nearest exit is ~1.5 m from the locker. How much closer would you expect?

The other (non-airtight) locker is directly between a main exit and the emergency top/bottom hatches, something like 1 m away, and about 3 m from the pilot.
I think the issue is that the lockers are separated from the flight deck by an area contiguous with the cargo hold; that is, that if the hold was depressurized (or open to a non-breathable atmosphere), the crew could not access the lockers unless they were already in pressure suits.

On the other hand, such conditions are likely to be predictable, in which case the crew would already be dressed accordingly.
Ah, I misunderstood, thanks. Sorry, BackworldTraveller.

Yes, those very small small craft lacks an airlock. It's not ideal, but I can't fit everything "nice-to-have" into the small package. There was not a lot thought invested into this; I just reused the nose-cone of a larger craft, but cut away the back wall of the airlock to get a reasonable payload area:
Skärmavbild 2022-08-15 kl. 12.18.png to Skärmavbild 2022-08-15 kl. 12.19.png
In the back of my head was that a small craft built more space-optimised should have to sacrifice something, in this case the airlock.

I see now that I can make a small airlock in the front of the smaller craft:
Skärmavbild 2022-08-15 kl. 12.25.png

How about that?
I see now that I can make a small airlock in the front of the smaller craft:
Skärmavbild 2022-08-15 kl. 12.25.png

How about that?
