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Pondering starship evolution

Worked up the "numbered compartments" image today which I can then use to create a detailed Fluff Text™ write up of the interior (ala LBB A1 The Kinunir style).

Total number of compartments ... 149 (assuming I haven't missed/skipped any numbers along the way). :sneaky:
Consider labeling compartments/areas by type (that is, instead of (for example) giving each turret a compartment number, give all laser turrets one number and all missile turrets a different number).
Consider labeling compartments/areas by type (that is, instead of (for example) giving each turret a compartment number, give all laser turrets one number and all missile turrets a different number).
That's one way to "crunch the numbers" downwards.
However, it doesn't "comport" with how various LBBs handled the issue, and I'm aiming for a format that is "more in keeping" with LBB precedents for the presentation of information (even if it is more verbose than absolutely necessary).

My sense is that retaining that higher level of granularity in details, rather than glossing over it like you suggest, helps with immersion in the "reality" of the construction, making it feel more "life-like" when read and thought about.

So I give each compartment different numbers ... but in the Fluff Text write up there will be a lot of "Same as ###." entries for compartments with duplicate purposes (such as airlocks, for example). That way, a Referee using the information can know that compartment numbers are unique, putting crew/passengers/etc. in specific places on the deck plans for wargaming purposes and NOT have to worry about "which compartment is which" because the numbers get reused. However, the Fluff Text detailing what each compartment DOES and gets used for will not have a Maximum Verbosity™ setting in order to reduce word count. That way, multiple numbered compartments can refer to a single instance of Fluff Text describing multiple compartments of the same type/purpose.
However, the Fluff Text detailing what each compartment DOES and gets used for will not have a Maximum Verbosity™ setting in order to reduce word count. That way, multiple numbered compartments can refer to a single instance of Fluff Text describing multiple compartments of the same type/purpose.
Yep, that's a good way to handle it.

Eschew* verbosity.
