My impression of bays are something along the lines of modern day MEKO and Stanflex modules on some naval vessels. In general, in these type concepts you have an opening in your hull in which you can drop a standard sized module, which could house missiles, a gun, or some other type of weapon. On some of these units (like a gun) part of the unit sticks above the deck, but alot of the weapon is atcually eeclosed in the space within the hull.
Here for instance is a link to some images from a website called
Schnellboot.net showing the above deck portion of a modern 76mm gun on a Stanflex type boat. You can just make out the rectangular outline of the module itself on the ship's main deck. In practice this unit could be un-bolted/disconnected and lifted out of the ship and replaced with a different unit. Here is another link to an image from the
Naval-Technology.com website showing this type gun module, sitting on a pier.
I believe that these type concepts in naval vessels were coming into practice right about the time High guard was originally written, as were the modular Vertical Launch Systems for missiles.
If you look closely at the artwork from Azhanti High Lightning you could possibly interpret what is shown along these lines. Specifically, the external images (as shown at this link from the website
BoardGamegeek.com) appear to show rows of heavy turrets along the upper side of the hull. If you look at the deck plans though (as shown in the middle image at this
link from the same site) you can kind of make out the turret shapes on the top and bottom of the deck, but you can also make out the outline of a shape inboard of these turrets that appear to be the internal equipment and support for these turreted weapons. The heavy black lines that outline these spaces suggest heavy bilkheads and may denote that the equipment within them can be lifted out and replaced, much like the Stanflex gun mount discussed above.
As such, in trying to develop up my own deck plans, I've been playing around with the notion that a 50dton bay might be about 3 decks high (9m) by 7.5m wide and 9m long or so (if I am recalling correctly). As such if you had a heavy energy weapon with a turret, about 43dton or so would be in the hull, with the actual turret itself, which would stick above the deck, making up the other 7dtons or so.
Anyway, just some thoughts, I thought I'd share.
P.S. I hope there's nothing wrong with me posting links to other sites rather than directly adding images to the post. I didn't want to use any images without giving adequate acknowledgement, but I also wasn't sure if this might be considered incorrectly directing anyone to another site.