Though my first thought when you originally posted the design was "wouldn't it be cool if those weapon donuts rotated" which would mean you need more space in the center maybe.
Yeah, that would be a change too far, as it would force the sections apart.
Seven thruster groupings bugs me, I prefer numbers that work into the rated g-rating just for my personal damage system. If (for example) this ship is 3G with six thruster packages and it takes one hit dropping it to 2G then I can say thruster packages 2 and 3 are damaged and point to it on the picture and deckplan. Unless this ship is rated for 7G
My suggestion for the above would be loose the center thruster package. In it's place allow a small craft, perhaps a modular cutter type of craft to handle the modules. In an unstreamlined or partially streamlined design a small craft capable of atmospheric landing is practically a requirement. One that could also handle the modules would be very practical.
I like that idea. I shall investigate further....