Anybody know from Word of Marc what was the inspiration for the Air/Raft in CT? Has he ever commented on it? The only similar vehicle I recall in SF was the air vehicle used by the Dirdir in Jack Vance's Planet of Adventure (Tschai) series. (If you read the descriptions, even the "airjeep" from some of H. Beam Piper's stories was actually usually enclosed.)
Other than possibly an homage to that series, I can't think of any other reason for such a silly vehicle - no roof? Not even a ragtop? Really?
One of the first houserules I made way way back when all I had was the Little Black Box was that aircars (not "rafts") were generally enclosed vehicles; not vacc-tight (that cost extra), but at least as well sealed as a current day small airplane. Oh, sure, you could get a ragtop or retractable hard-top convertible model if you wanted, but that wasn't the standard.
And what was the deal with the punctuation, putting a slash in the middle instead of a hyphen?
Other than possibly an homage to that series, I can't think of any other reason for such a silly vehicle - no roof? Not even a ragtop? Really?
One of the first houserules I made way way back when all I had was the Little Black Box was that aircars (not "rafts") were generally enclosed vehicles; not vacc-tight (that cost extra), but at least as well sealed as a current day small airplane. Oh, sure, you could get a ragtop or retractable hard-top convertible model if you wanted, but that wasn't the standard.
And what was the deal with the punctuation, putting a slash in the middle instead of a hyphen?