sorry for the delay, but to continue by previous thoughts...
Here's the thing:
1) the oort cloud is WAY out there, and the Kuiper belt is just way out there... They can detect you.
2) they can detect you when you jump in. Unless you jump in behind something. Ibid for jump out
3) you can detect planets with normal merchant sensors out to 3 Pc (AM1: Aslan, in the adventure)
4) the so called belts are pretty d***d sparse; so if you're looking for fuel, you either need a really good chart, or just to turn up the gain, and do the math...
5) they don't need to monitor your jump ENTRY flash, just detect it. Considering the EM signatures should be fairly big, even if we assume 100W light flash, we still get secondary hum from a several hundred megawatt power-grid.... which will be detectable to some of the cold PEMS arrays that could be built. add MCr5 in robots to maintain the station, and a 10 year fission plant, and you have a really good ear.
6) you'll be able to optically resolve the hull shape, and possibly even lettering, at several AU. (Current optical resolution telescopes could do it if it weren't for atmosphere).
so once we get to 6, if it's a known unfriendly, you send immediate couriers out to neigboring systems...
Even if you're knowing where the items you need are, unless you got Navy charts, you probably will only be "Close" (a day or two)... long enough to send the couriers to neighboring systems.
If it is a BIG presence, those oort cloud snowballs are going to be probably too thin for more than a medium sized fleet... each. And it will take time... probably several days..... we're looking at between 0.5 and 3 light days, IIRC, so, if we add these together:
1d assemble after jump in
1d-2d find the snowball and get there
3d-7d convert snowball to fuel
1/2d coordinate for next jump and go.
In the kuiper, still at least 4d, and we subtract a day for lightspeed lag ... that means 3d-10d to get there and smash... so, if you (the local) detect them doing a search for fuel, you've got the sensor data that tells you if they're going to find it quick or slow. if it's going to be slow, then jump to the nearest one to them, and make them earn it.
In the Kuiper, you might actually have ships close enough to intercept, too... and so it becomes possible to intercept by Sublight.... if you can get to the snowball before them, you can just make it go away..... repeated laser fire to carve it, or plasma gun it...
If it's going to be quick, just warn the neighbors, and recall to defend the mainworld(s)... but still that gives them time to prepare (1-4 days, depending upon jump safety).
If you have a ship nearby when they jump, and can reverse engineer the course, send a few on the parallel course, and a few separately plotted (RegSB says ships using the same plot use the same duration), each hoping to arrive earlier than the bogeys.
Putting mines on the biggest objects isn't a bad idea, either, but if I have three 5LD passive arrays orbiting out at 2LD, I've got really good coverage for about 100MCr, including droids to keep it going... putting some command controlled mines near the arrays is also a doable deed. But remember, those mines will require maintenance... so minefields simply reduce the maintenance costs per launcher...