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Party composition?

I'm currently in the process of setting up a series of short missions, for my players, as an Imperial Army special forces team on strike missions behind Solomani lines. My players are pretty new to Traveller. So I figured pre-gen characters would be easier to get some interest in the setting, without the confusion of hours of dice rolling and searching thru' rulebooks, 1 player at a time!!
The plan is:- A demolitions expert, a 'techie' (comms, electronics etc), a medic, a weapons specialist and an 'operations' man(bribery, recruiting, carousing etc).
The mission:- Lift some important intel before blowing up a meson comms centre.
The twist:- One of the team is a Solsec agent.
I'm currently in the process of setting up a series of short missions, for my players, as an Imperial Army special forces team on strike missions behind Solomani lines. My players are pretty new to Traveller. So I figured pre-gen characters would be easier to get some interest in the setting, without the confusion of hours of dice rolling and searching thru' rulebooks, 1 player at a time!!
The plan is:- A demolitions expert, a 'techie' (comms, electronics etc), a medic, a weapons specialist and an 'operations' man(bribery, recruiting, carousing etc).
The mission:- Lift some important intel before blowing up a meson comms centre.
The twist:- One of the team is a Solsec agent.
Originally posted by Casey:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by eclipse:
In my T20PBEM game http://www.urbin.net/t20pbem/,

We have:
An Army/Barbarian/Traveller, my best guess is comic relief. :rolleyes:

For the GM perhaps. :rolleyes:
I thought that's what the Three Sto...Vargr were for?

/hides copy of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead
</font>[/QUOTE]The rumors that Team Vargr are cannon fodder are just that, nasty, nasty rumors spread by Sollie trouble makers. :rolleyes:

So far the whole crew is fun. I'm waiting for Doc to ask for the pole in the medical bay.
My sporadic T20 game contains:

- A "market level" human merchant type, who can get by flying solo if he has to, but would rather let someone else do that stuff.

- An ex-Marine who claims to be able to drive most anything that *isn't* a starship.

- An ex-Navy Engineering type with a fixer-upper old Type S on the long-term pad four parsecs away across enemy lines...

- A disenfranchised minor Noble who isn't suffering the rest of the family's ill-fortune mostly due to having been from the pig-farmer branch of the family...

- and a bonafide, guaranteed to terrify, hotshot at both newsnet hacking and starship piloting. Military-grade nets don't scare her, but they should...