Sigg, this is great.
far-trader wrote:
I vastly prefer 6 as it is easier to visualize and perform movement. So the following will be addressed to the 6 band case. Movement is relative to the PC ship, so you can use Sigg's movement mechanic, e.g., as follows. The party which loses initiative moves first.
If the PC loses initiative:
The PC moves all the NPC ships on one axis up to the PC's ships movement rate (this represents the PC moving along this axis). Trigonometry is then used to move ships along any other axis (a table is very handy for this and readily made). The formula is if I move a distance Z along one axis (+Z) the distance X along an axis in plane perpendicular to Z is now Xnew = SQRT(Z^2 + Xold^2). Ships on the oppositie axis (e.g., -Z) receed a distance Z. The NPC then moves his ship (if he wishes). If the NPC does not wish to change range or only a little bit, well that extra movement can go to agility. This is the advantage of gaining initiative.
If the PC wins initiative
The NPC moves all their ships. The PC then moves all the NPC ships on one axis as above if the PC so desires. Otherwise the PC can channel unused movement to agility.
far-trader wrote:
far-trader, how about this. I've tried something similar to what Sigg suggests (yet like all things Sigg he has the details nicely worked out) here's a 3D approach. I set the PC ship at the center of a piece of paper with range bands emanating in 4 or 6 directions from this center. In the case of 4 bands, each represents an axis of a tetrahedron, in the case of 6 bands each represents an axis of a cube. With 6, the center can be a hex and the hexes emanating from it the bands. This also places the PC at the center of all the actionHmm, modelling vector movement with range bands, never thought of it quite that way, interesting. You've put a picture in my head of a very simple way of modelling 3D vector movement for multiple elements, now who has a hammer to beat it out of my skull

I vastly prefer 6 as it is easier to visualize and perform movement. So the following will be addressed to the 6 band case. Movement is relative to the PC ship, so you can use Sigg's movement mechanic, e.g., as follows. The party which loses initiative moves first.
If the PC loses initiative:
The PC moves all the NPC ships on one axis up to the PC's ships movement rate (this represents the PC moving along this axis). Trigonometry is then used to move ships along any other axis (a table is very handy for this and readily made). The formula is if I move a distance Z along one axis (+Z) the distance X along an axis in plane perpendicular to Z is now Xnew = SQRT(Z^2 + Xold^2). Ships on the oppositie axis (e.g., -Z) receed a distance Z. The NPC then moves his ship (if he wishes). If the NPC does not wish to change range or only a little bit, well that extra movement can go to agility. This is the advantage of gaining initiative.
If the PC wins initiative
The NPC moves all their ships. The PC then moves all the NPC ships on one axis as above if the PC so desires. Otherwise the PC can channel unused movement to agility.