The Peltast class ships were designed for TL 13 Reserve Fleets to carry small units of Marines into action, either to board crippled ships or to raid deep space facilities or world surfaces. They are built on a 300-ton flattened sphere streamlined hull with fuel scoops and purifier installed. It has Jump-2, Maneuver-2 and Power plant-2. The hull is armored to factor 3. It holds 66 tons of fuel, allowing 1 Jump-2 and 30 days of power plant operation. It has a Model-2 computer.
For armaments it has a double beam laser turret, a triple sand caster turret and a triple missile turret, with an 8-ton magazine for additional missiles.
The vessel has a standard crew of 8 (pilot, navigator, medic, 3 gunners and 2 engineers) who are housed in 5 staterooms.
The remaining 110 tons of hull space can be configured in several ways:
Dave "Dr. Skull" Nelson
The Peltast class ships were designed for TL 13 Reserve Fleets to carry small units of Marines into action, either to board crippled ships or to raid deep space facilities or world surfaces. They are built on a 300-ton flattened sphere streamlined hull with fuel scoops and purifier installed. It has Jump-2, Maneuver-2 and Power plant-2. The hull is armored to factor 3. It holds 66 tons of fuel, allowing 1 Jump-2 and 30 days of power plant operation. It has a Model-2 computer.
For armaments it has a double beam laser turret, a triple sand caster turret and a triple missile turret, with an 8-ton magazine for additional missiles.
The vessel has a standard crew of 8 (pilot, navigator, medic, 3 gunners and 2 engineers) who are housed in 5 staterooms.
The remaining 110 tons of hull space can be configured in several ways:
Dave "Dr. Skull" Nelson