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Personal Paperwork

Remember, in Traveller you can still head out to the final frontier if you don't like the society you're currently freeloading off.

With cyberpunk, you tend to be stuck dirtside.
Dystopian: relating to or denoting an imagined state or society where there is great suffering or injustice. -or as is gettng used here- A dystopia (from Ancient Greek δυσ- "bad" and τόπος "place"; alternatively cacotopia or simply anti-utopia) is a community or society that is undesirable or frightening.
I find a society of great suffering or injustice undesirable and, perhaps, frightening.

It all depends on which side of the fence you are on really: for those in power, it may seem a paradise. Those not in power, no paradise.
"May seem" is the key component of it. "In power" is always at the pleasure of someone else.

It's all fun and games until you say the wrong thing and find yourself staked out in front of an anti-aircraft gun.
Some of my own thoughts on personal paperwork from the Imperium - an Imperial Identity Document or IID...

The Neoteric variant of the IID ( the “average” version of the document ) is a nigh-indestructible plasteel-encased artifact about twice the size of an old Terra credit card. It’s flat and thin, and its surface is actually a display, as well as an interface. It shows data such as the sophont’s particulars and a head and shoulders image. How an IID “looks” can change depend on where it’s held, tapped, or otherwise interacted with. There are many “standard” but modifiable configurations of the blocks of info and functionality.

You'd need one to serve in any Imperial service or agency, get onto any Imperial facility or held territory without an escort or invitation, or to do business with the imperium beyond that of the local star town or starport.

I wrote a much longer post about this here on my MTU blog.
It’s flat and thin, and its surface is actually a display, as well as an interface.
An interesting aspect of this is that the display can be localized to any of the "official" languages of the Imperium.

So, one person can read it in Vilani, and another in Vargr. If it's a common "document", "everyone" knows how to make it show in the language that they're most comfortable with.
An interesting aspect of this is that the display can be localized to any of the "official" languages of the Imperium.

So, one person can read it in Vilani, and another in Vargr. If it's a common "document", "everyone" knows how to make it show in the language that they're most comfortable with.

The future of Google/Bing/whatever translate and localization. if you extend functionality a bit you *could* have a universal translator (well, universal as far as the known languages go) I mean - Google ear buds already translate in real time (how effective I've no idea but I like that they can translate what they here in one language to another)
The future of Google/Bing/whatever translate and localization. if you extend functionality a bit you *could* have a universal translator (well, universal as far as the known languages go) I mean - Google ear buds already translate in real time (how effective I've no idea but I like that they can translate what they here in one language to another)

This is true--but in this context (ID content) the translations should be pretty simple. I could see a few possible exceptions--say eye color is blue-green, which gets translated to green rather than blue--but in general it shouldn't be hard even for TL 7 or 8 Terran programming. You could even change measurement systems, the equivalent of pounds to kg to (Vilani) sud . . .
Depends on sophistication of software and hardware; hardware for speed and storage, possibly sensors detecting body language, while software could include context, autocorrection as more information is gathered, and machine learning.
The future of Google/Bing/whatever translate and localization. if you extend functionality a bit you *could* have a universal translator (well, universal as far as the known languages go) I mean - Google ear buds already translate in real time (how effective I've no idea but I like that they can translate what they here in one language to another)

This is a basic piece of equipment in my TU. Given the physiological differences between species, there is no way a human could speak Aslan or Vargr, or vice versa (although they can learn to understand it), so everyone must rely on translators to translate not only the major languages but the local dialects thereof.
This is a basic piece of equipment in my TU. Given the physiological differences between species, there is no way a human could speak Aslan or Vargr, or vice versa (although they can learn to understand it), so everyone must rely on translators to translate not only the major languages but the local dialects thereof.

Pretty much MTU as well. Just played a supers game where I was a cat version of the Silver Surfer (don't ask). No one could pronounce his name as they lacked a tail and ear mobility. Words are more than just spoken words. I would think Vargr & Aslan also use a bit of body language as part of their natural speech.
So, somewhat like Spock, not only could people not pronounce it, they can't dance it either.


we really need a spitting coffee emoji

but yes, I imagine some species may communicate without words at all (queue Close Encounters). Guess their IDs would have a light and music display as well, perhaps even vibrational for sub/supersonics.