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pimp my REALLY BIG gun


SOC-14 10K
...these might not fit in your standard Ship's Locker ;)

I was goofing around with the Pimp My Gun app (new one) and figured I'd start a thread for similar extreme guns. Inspired in part by the alternate uses some have made of the app (like the lightsabers somebody did here on CotI) and at first aiming at a grav tank this came out looking more like a hover tank. So here it is (after further updates and some tweaks in Paint, calling it done), the MK-3 Blower Tank (with a nod to Hammer's Slammers obviously... )


Go ahead, add your own here. Stat them out even (I'll try to get around to that eventually for this one*). This was just a quick and dirty bit of playing. It could use some more refinement but you get the idea. PMG is a wonderful little app: http://pimpmygun.doctornoob.com

* though thinking about it I could just leave it open to everyone's own interpretation, suffice to say it's a big low flying (grav or air-cushion) tank with a huge energy weapon (plasma, fusion, whatever) and support weapons for point defense
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Thanks Peter and Andrew.

And kudos et tres cool yourself sabredog. I was wondering how to add a small gun (scale it, d'oh! :rofl: )

Updated mine above after doodling a bit this morning while bored...

...may have to steal the pintle mount idea later :)
Thank you for the idea! Now I can go nuts trying to work up new vehicles that look better than my paper n' pencil stuff.
Thank you for the idea! Now I can go nuts trying to work up new vehicles that look better than my paper n' pencil stuff.

You're welcome, and I ditto the reason :)

I've updated (finalized... ish ;) ) my first go above, and even feel it may be worthy of posting to the gallery. Maybe get some more notice and participants here.
It keeps getting bigger - add some more guns and it'll be a regular BOLO!

Not that that's a bad thing.
OK, here's a more thought out (using the old version of PMG) "blower" from my personal universe:


The beastie is from a Freidlander merc regiment called the White Wolves and is a LuftkissenPanzerkampfwagen Mk-7b otherwise known as a "Lucky-7". It is the main export MBT of Sternmetal Gmbh on Somerheim - which is where the regiment is based.

The main gun is a 11cm hypervelocity mass driver with a cryo-cooling jacket sheathing it and the targeting system includes LADAR (with a lower power RADAR backup) and thermal imaging. The front glacis has a 30mm autocannon firing APFSDS for engaging light armor and personnel in combat + armor. The pintel mounted VRF GG for close defense, along with the belt of directional anti-personnel mines mounted on the hull and turret sides. The mines can be fired manually or set in automatic mode with the onboard computer being set for certain threat parameters - wouldn't want the commander blasted by an det-block just because he dismounted to use the latrine one night!

"Hell's Belle" is number 909 and is the 1st Assault Platoon's command tank. The driver is on the left side of the 30mm hull gun. The hull gunner named the autocannon "Mom".

C'mon, I wanna see that BOLO! Or at least an Ogre.

I once designed a BOLO using Striker and the descriptions of one of the average ones - I don't remember which but it was one of the Mk30's at least since it was fully autonomous. Anyway, I nearly went insane working up all the components since this was before spreadsheets and home PC's. But today.... I'm tempted.

I think the hull was about the size of a scout ship, the turret had two ship-scaled fusion guns and a couple of point-defense turrets bristling with 16-lens gatling lasers. The hull had several sponson mounts with hypervelocity autocannon firing collapsing rounds and four smaller turrets with multi-missile launchers and nuclear dampers in case of incoming nukes getting past the point defense lasers. It didn't go very fast, but then Godzilla's no Olympic sprinter either.

Because they used tracks in the stories I couldn't realistically get the ground pressure to a level where the beast wouldn't sink to it's fenders even in concrete so I added grav generators to lighten the load to where as long as it stayed off deep marshy ground it probably wouldn't get stuck.

So when the players found it while exploring a "lost colony" as part of a corporate sponsored survey in one of the old Imperial subsectors it was "dead" and sunk ten feet into the ground. Hilarity ensued when they decided they'd make a mint off of the BOLO if they could turn it on somehow and get it onto a bulk transport.

They powered it up and naturally it picked up where it left off and assumed it was under attack by enemy infantry - the players were hunted by it while they ran for their lives when it blasted their ATV into tinfoil while they were still inside the turret. They did managed to escape the nerve gas released inside the turret and power plant service areas since they were in combat environment suits already (exotic atmo on the world due to the war to end all wars that left only the BOLOs hunting each other). If the BOLO hadn't thrown a track rolling over a building the players were hiding behind they wouldn't have survived to tell the tale. But since they were good sports about it all they got away with only a couple of gashes in the side of their scout from anti-air missiles swarmed from the angry BOLO.

If any of the players had ever read any of the stories they wouldn't have fallen for it, but they didn't understand the info on the plate in the turret service area, and they figured the name "Abandon All Hope" painted across the front glacis plate had been put there by a crew. They wondered why there weren't any seats in the turret for a crew, but they just couldn't resist plugging in the broken connections and pushing that Big Red Button.
Sorry, I can't resist.

This thread and the mention of an Ogre remind me of that cartoon from the first OGRE/GEV magazine, where a couple of dwarves or something are standing in an Ogre tread mark. One says to the other, "After those two trolls, this thing ought to be a pushover..." or something like that...

Carry on :rolleyes:
Ogre and GEV were two of the best wargames ever made and at least GEV was used by myself in Traveller to game out mercenary missions the players might be involved in. It was perfect for it since it was so generic in design and easy to learn.

The player's unit would be designed per Striker (along with the Heavy Tanks, Missle Tanks, etc...just with nobody firing nuclear shells like in the GEV/Ogre mythos), and battles involving it were resolved with Striker, but all the other units on the battlefield used the more generic and quick-playing GEV rules to keep things fast and fun.

Ogres never showed up except that one time since I knew the players wouldn't fall for the same gimmick twice - they'd just blast it from their ship or stay away from the adventure. But it was a lot of fun to have the players in the platoon leader GEV in a game of GEV and playing out their ticket. Since we were all Hammer's Slammers fans (well, most of us) we really took to it.
OK, OK....here's my quickie BOLO. Not the best, my drawings are more elegant but since we are using PMG (and Far-Trader won't step up even though his tank looks far better and more BOLO) here's something to keep things rolling.


You can see the tracks under the front and rear drive housings. A missile launcher and laser turret in front (along with an autocannon), heavy RP fusion gun turret in back (BTW: there are one of each small turret in both the front and rear with each type on opposite corners), and anti-personnel det-blocks along the sides.

Twin ship-sized fusion guns in the main turret along with a point-defense gatling laser on top.

And lots of armor. Lots.


Flattery eh? ;) Thanks :)

I haven't had time for doodling my own this week, and I actually figured I should write up my really big gun a bit first, inspired by your own description on the previous page. Maybe I'll get to that today.

Hey, I just noticed. I had figured out the treads idea but not the tread wheels. Well done on them!