The plasma rifle is the logical extension of the Plasma Gun, Man Portable. It fires a bolt of plasma which is less powerful than a PGMP’s, but still very powerful; indeed, it is the unpowered infantry weapon of choice for cracking battledress. The rifle is introduced at TL 13, using advances made from creating the Plama Gun, Man Portable-13 to create a smaller, lighter and lower-recoil version of the PGMP for use by unpowered infantry. Unlike the PGMP and FGMP, it does not pose a radiation hazard when firing, but it also does not follow the Serious Firepower rules—it will penetrate any one human body that is wearing cloth or less, or any one vehicle or building that is equally armored, but will only penetrate to the next character and stop. The plasma rifle round does not undergo fusion at any Tech Level, although its penetration power does increase. However, the plasma rifle may only fire one shot a round, firing two rounds before it gets too hot to fire again, forcing the user to wait 3 rounds for it to cool enough to fire again.
TL 13; Required Dex 7, DM -2, Advantageous Dex 9+, DM +1. Price 7500, ammo 500; length 1500 mm, weight 4500 grams, ammo weight 500. 15 shots, damage 5d.
Nothing, Jack, Mesh +3, Cloth +2, Reflec -4, Ablat -3, Battle +0
Close -5, Short +1 Medium +2 Long +3 V.long +0
TL 14: Weight 3000 Grams. 30 Shots. Damage 5d+3.
TL 15: 60 shots. Battle +1. Damage 6d.
TL 16: Weight 2500 Grams. 75 shots. Battle +2.
TL 13; Required Dex 7, DM -2, Advantageous Dex 9+, DM +1. Price 7500, ammo 500; length 1500 mm, weight 4500 grams, ammo weight 500. 15 shots, damage 5d.
Nothing, Jack, Mesh +3, Cloth +2, Reflec -4, Ablat -3, Battle +0
Close -5, Short +1 Medium +2 Long +3 V.long +0
TL 14: Weight 3000 Grams. 30 Shots. Damage 5d+3.
TL 15: 60 shots. Battle +1. Damage 6d.
TL 16: Weight 2500 Grams. 75 shots. Battle +2.
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