Well that turned out
nicely really awesome looking!
Here's what it looks like with the upper hangar deck stacked on top of the main deck to help visualize the "3D-ness" of the design.
Overall length (fore to aft): 51 deck squares = 76.5m
Wingspan (tip to tip): 34 deck squares = 51m
Hull height (dorsal to ventral): 7m (landing gear up), 9m (landing gear down)
Note that these dimensions mean that the length/width ratio is a very simple 3:2 ... which helps explain why this new deck plan layout looks so visually pleasing to the eyes on casual inspection.
As you can see, I was able to achieve something akin to a cranked arrow/double delta wing shape this time, which I'm
really happy with.

Wing root leading edge = ~70º aft sweep
Wing tip leading edge = ~49º aft sweep
Wing trailing edge = ~15º forward sweep
When I counted up the deck squares for fuel tankage, the answer came back as totaling >466 ... over 1.5x the 311 minimum needed for 150 tons of fuel ... which means that the wings have a lot of leading edge taper for aerodyamic efficiency added into their structure.
One of the side effects of "re-engineering" this concept around a 22 ton Laser Fighter, 12 ton modules (11 in the standard loadout) with the option to transport 140 ton pods (externally AND internally!) is ... those 140 ton pod hulls can be used for more than just cargo transport (I know, shocker!

The first realization was that 140 tons means 35 starship staterooms ... or 140 tons of laboratory equipment space ... or 140 tons of Environment Tank (just add environment settings) ... or the original notion of 140 tons worth of cargo space.
The trick though is ... 2x Stateroom Pods + 1x Laboratory Pod (regenerative life support for 70 people) + 1x Cargo Box (with a LBB2.81 Power Plant-A and a 8 ton demountable fuel tank for power supply) can become LIVING QUARTERS for a deployment of 70 people to any location as a base camp habitat.

Add in more Laboratory Pods (to provide employment for those 70 people), an Environment Pod (or two) for use as "public park/recreation space" for those 70 people that can simulate "back home" for them, plus Cargo Boxes/Pods for carrying additional supplies and vehicles ... and you've got the nascent capability to deploy
COLONISTS to new places where they can set up shop and start trying to make a living for themselves.
After all, 70 people would amount to a UWP Population: 1 ... while 105-140 qualifies as UWP Population: 2.

Deliver 30x 140 ton stateroom pods (enough for 30*35=1050 people) and you've just mobilized a UWP Population: 3 number of colonists!
Traveller as a City Builder game, anyone?
In other words, depending on the loadout, this starship class could be anything from a merchant ship to a safari ship to a lab ship to a colony logistics transport. Best of all, the starship is mostly operated as a transport/tender/tug for a remarkably wide variety of mission roles and tasking, simply by virtue of being able to swap out the modules that it's loaded with (internally and/or externally). It becomes an incredibly flexible option for deploying a huge variety of people and materiel in support of mercantile interests or as a wartime auxiliary transport.
Despite having a J3/3G performance (unencumbered), the economics of commercial operations (either as a privately owned tramp or under government subsidy) wind up being remarkably advantageous ... far more so than I was originally expecting to see ... while also being more flexible than I'd even originally envisioned.
Best part is that although the 400 ton starship requires a type A starport @ TL=10+ to construct, all of the associated small craft/non-starship big craft (Laser Fighter, 12 ton modules, 140 ton pods) can be constructed by a type B starport @ TL=10+ to construct ... leading to a circumstance in which the starship producing shipyard does not necessarily need to also be producing all of the sub-craft that make the whole enterprise a commercial success. The starship becomes the transport/tug while the modules and pods do the job of standardizing containerization in a way that brings the addition of third parties who want to conduct interstellar commerce without the hassle of owning and operating their own starship(s) themselves, creating opportunities for delivery services to grow and thrive, increasing competition and driving down costs for everyone.

So yeah ... feeling a mite bit proud of this iteration.