Real-world explanation (in case this isn’t obvious): different tools/rules being used to generate the sectors over time, and a lack of ability/effort/determination to identify and correct the inconsistency.
In-world: dunno. Maybe many of the naval bases in the rim - which would have been claimed by the rebelling Sollies - were destroyed during the Rim War as the Imperial fleets advanced, and only those along the de facto border following the armistice have been a priority to re-establish.
For me it isn't obvious, somewhere in the back of my mind I had been presuming that for Imperial sectors, at least, they had all been generated all at once using the same ruleset so statistical anomalies probably had a design purpose behind them. I don't know the history of how the canon maps came about. I need to take a closer look at the sector metadata at some point.
But I was mostly looking for in-world explanations, and if the solomani rim is filled with burnt out husks of military bases scattered across dozens of worlds.