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Portable Aegis: Hiver Personal Shield


SOC-14 1K
Portable Aegis
(aka the Hiver Portable Particle Shield)

An Alien Cultural Weapon for Classic Traveller

The Portable Aegis is a 'weapon' well-suited to the Hiver psychology. The device is not so much a weapon, as it is a shielding device. Hiver experimentation with particle weapons technology has led to this rather unique item used for personal defense. The portable aegis resembles a small globe-like sphere attached to a neck-strap or harness. It is typically worn on the neck of the primary limb. The device is activated by a pressure-sensitive button. Upon activation, the aegis generates a slightly-concave hemisphere-shaped particle "shield" directly in front of the Hiver (about 1.2 meters forward). The shield is approximately 1.5m tall (vertical) by 2.0m wide, and no more than 5 cm thick.

The shield itself is a powerful (if temporary) matrix of ionized energy, capable of blocking kinetic attacks as well as most energy-based weaponry. The particle shield itself will cause a great deal of injury to anyone that comes into contact with it (4d6 per round while in contact with the shield). The shield will completely block (deflect) all forms of kinetic weapons and slugthrower rounds. It will absorb a great deal of energy weapons fire (e.g. laser, plasma or fusion), which results in the halving of all energy-weapons damage before they can reach their target (e.g. a 4d6 laser carbine fire passing through the shield becomes 2d6 if it manages to hit its intended target). In addition, all such energy-weapons fire passing through the shield will receive a -3 DM to target. The shield does not have any effect on psionic activity or psionic-based attacks such as telepathic assault.

The particle shield will only last 2 combat rounds. For example, a Hiver activates his portable aegis on Round 1. The shield is generated and in effect at the start of Round 2, and will also be active until the end of Round 3. The shield will completely dissipate and is no longer effective by the start of Round 4. As soon as the Hiver activates the device, he/she/it is free to run or evade, as the particle shield is self-maintaining and stationary during the 2-round duration.

The device has a cool-down period of 10 rounds. It carries a maximum of three charges at any given time. Recharging requires a power-source such as a starship or a power plant with a fusion source. The recharging process requires at least one hour and a technician with Electronics-2 skill and a familiarity with Hiver technology. A Hiver robot with the requisite Electronics skill is capable of performing the recharging process. Federation military and para-military ships may be retro-fitted with outlets allowing their craft to recharge these devices.

The Hiver portable aegis is a relatively new personal defense weapon, and is still considered an experimental device, although it has been under development by Hiver scientists for several decades. The device is expensive to manufacture, and Hivers will only equip such a device when personal danger is expected (e.g. a high-ranking Federation ambassador who fears an assassination attempt, or a wealthy Hiver tourist going out on a dangerous safari trip with some Human friends).

A skill of Electronics-1 and a familiarity training course of one week is required to operate this device properly. Without the skill and training, the Hiver would be penalized with the obligatory -2 DM combat fire penalty (see Alien Module 7 Hivers). This reflects the race's discomfort with any device used for or during combat (be it offensive or defensive in nature).

All in all, the portable aegis is an effective point defense weapon, and is very compatible with the Hiver propensity to flee at the first sign of danger. The device is currently manufactured only on the Hiver worlds of Glea and Guaran. TL16. Weight 1.5 kg. Cr150,000. Export outside of the Hive Federation is discouraged but not illegal.
Portable Aegis
(aka the Hiver Portable Particle Shield)

An Alien Cultural Weapon for Classic Traveller

The Portable Aegis is a 'weapon' well-suited to the Hiver psychology. The device is not so much a weapon, as it is a shielding device. Hiver experimentation with particle weapons technology has led to this rather unique item used for personal defense. The portable aegis resembles a small globe-like sphere attached to a neck-strap or harness. It is typically worn on the neck of the primary limb. The device is activated by a pressure-sensitive button. Upon activation, the aegis generates a slightly-concave hemisphere-shaped particle "shield" directly in front of the Hiver (about 1.2 meters forward). The shield is approximately 1.5m tall (vertical) by 2.0m wide, and no more than 5 cm thick.

The shield itself is a powerful (if temporary) matrix of ionized energy, capable of blocking kinetic attacks as well as most energy-based weaponry. The particle shield itself will cause a great deal of injury to anyone that comes into contact with it (4d6 per round while in contact with the shield). The shield will completely block (deflect) all forms of kinetic weapons and slugthrower rounds. It will absorb a great deal of energy weapons fire (e.g. laser, plasma or fusion), which results in the halving of all energy-weapons damage before they can reach their target (e.g. a 4d6 laser carbine fire passing through the shield becomes 2d6 if it manages to hit its intended target). In addition, all such energy-weapons fire passing through the shield will receive a -3 DM to target. The shield does not have any effect on psionic activity or psionic-based attacks such as telepathic assault.

The particle shield will only last 2 combat rounds. For example, a Hiver activates his portable aegis on Round 1. The shield is generated and in effect at the start of Round 2, and will also be active until the end of Round 3. The shield will completely dissipate and is no longer effective by the start of Round 4. As soon as the Hiver activates the device, he/she/it is free to run or evade, as the particle shield is self-maintaining and stationary during the 2-round duration.

The device has a cool-down period of 10 rounds. It carries a maximum of three charges at any given time. Recharging requires a power-source such as a starship or a power plant with a fusion source. The recharging process requires at least one hour and a technician with Electronics-2 skill and a familiarity with Hiver technology. A Hiver robot with the requisite Electronics skill is capable of performing the recharging process. Federation military and para-military ships may be retro-fitted with outlets allowing their craft to recharge these devices.

The Hiver portable aegis is a relatively new personal defense weapon, and is still considered an experimental device, although it has been under development by Hiver scientists for several decades. The device is expensive to manufacture, and Hivers will only equip such a device when personal danger is expected (e.g. a high-ranking Federation ambassador who fears an assassination attempt, or a wealthy Hiver tourist going out on a dangerous safari trip with some Human friends).

A skill of Electronics-1 and a familiarity training course of one week is required to operate this device properly. Without the skill and training, the Hiver would be penalized with the obligatory -2 DM combat fire penalty (see Alien Module 7 Hivers). This reflects the race's discomfort with any device used for or during combat (be it offensive or defensive in nature).

All in all, the portable aegis is an effective point defense weapon, and is very compatible with the Hiver propensity to flee at the first sign of danger. The device is currently manufactured only on the Hiver worlds of Glea and Guaran. TL16. Weight 1.5 kg. Cr150,000. Export outside of the Hive Federation is discouraged but not illegal.
Optional rule for the Hiver Portable Aegis:

Each time the device is activated (triggered), the Hiver must roll a 2D6 to check for possible device malfunction. On a roll of 2, the device fails to work. No shield is generated, one charge is spent, and the individual must wait for the 10-round cooling period to pass until the device can be activated again (if it has any charges left).
Optional rule for the Hiver Portable Aegis:

Each time the device is activated (triggered), the Hiver must roll a 2D6 to check for possible device malfunction. On a roll of 2, the device fails to work. No shield is generated, one charge is spent, and the individual must wait for the 10-round cooling period to pass until the device can be activated again (if it has any charges left).
Wow - not very hard sci-fi. What are you pinning the TL at? I'm thinking 16+.

Of course, I always liked the idea of a Darrian Flame screen - based on their love to use gravitics to shape fire & plasma as a form of art. Considering the Darrians are "space elves" it is a perfect match - multi-colorful battle dress with ribbons and attached flags and a huge iridiscent flame shield surround them...

(perhaps ceremonial only)...
Wow - not very hard sci-fi. What are you pinning the TL at? I'm thinking 16+.

Of course, I always liked the idea of a Darrian Flame screen - based on their love to use gravitics to shape fire & plasma as a form of art. Considering the Darrians are "space elves" it is a perfect match - multi-colorful battle dress with ribbons and attached flags and a huge iridiscent flame shield surround them...

(perhaps ceremonial only)...
Several Hiver worlds are already solidly TL16 in the classic era. Hivers are technologically more advanced than the Imperium. Then again, you may not have known this about the Hivers, it seems. ;)

Altho I agree that this device is beyond hard sci-fi. Then again, anything above TL 13 is probably above hard sci-fi anyways and can never be fully explained by our current 21st century knowledge.

Even the Imperium at TL15 has started experimenting with near-magical stuff such as force fields and Ancients-derived black globes, etc. By TL16 and above, a more advanced race like the Hivers would start exploiting such technology (i.e. force fields and screen technology) and using it for non-military non-naval uses. After all, the Hivers are a pacifistic race that dread violence and confrontation.
Several Hiver worlds are already solidly TL16 in the classic era. Hivers are technologically more advanced than the Imperium. Then again, you may not have known this about the Hivers, it seems. ;)

Altho I agree that this device is beyond hard sci-fi. Then again, anything above TL 13 is probably above hard sci-fi anyways and can never be fully explained by our current 21st century knowledge.

Even the Imperium at TL15 has started experimenting with near-magical stuff such as force fields and Ancients-derived black globes, etc. By TL16 and above, a more advanced race like the Hivers would start exploiting such technology (i.e. force fields and screen technology) and using it for non-military non-naval uses. After all, the Hivers are a pacifistic race that dread violence and confrontation.
Originally posted by Baron Saarthuran von Gushiddan:
what color is the projection sphere? Is it about the size of a billiard ball?
A little bit larger, BSG. I would say at least the size of a grapefruit. Hence more than 1.5 kilograms (with the weight of the harness/necklace included).

The color would likely be metallic in appearance. The metallic construction suggests that this is a device which contains the workings of a force field generator.

Even at that size, the Hiver scientists at TL16 must have really worked hard to miniaturize "force field" or particle screen technology, in order to get this thing working. Let's remember that at TL16, this item is still experimental, hence there is a chance for malfunction each time it is used. Perhaps once the Hivers can reach TL17 or 18, they may finally master the art of personal force field defenses.

On the other hand, the shield generated by this device is a thousand times weaker and smaller than your average starship meson screen or damper.

P.S. --- this is not based on Ancients Black Globe technology, since we have NO CLUE that the Ancients ever visited Hiver space. Do we? This portable aegis is more of a relative to particle screen or meson screen technologies, which even the Terrans likely used on starships as early as TL12 (according to High Guard tables).
Originally posted by Baron Saarthuran von Gushiddan:
what color is the projection sphere? Is it about the size of a billiard ball?
A little bit larger, BSG. I would say at least the size of a grapefruit. Hence more than 1.5 kilograms (with the weight of the harness/necklace included).

The color would likely be metallic in appearance. The metallic construction suggests that this is a device which contains the workings of a force field generator.

Even at that size, the Hiver scientists at TL16 must have really worked hard to miniaturize "force field" or particle screen technology, in order to get this thing working. Let's remember that at TL16, this item is still experimental, hence there is a chance for malfunction each time it is used. Perhaps once the Hivers can reach TL17 or 18, they may finally master the art of personal force field defenses.

On the other hand, the shield generated by this device is a thousand times weaker and smaller than your average starship meson screen or damper.

P.S. --- this is not based on Ancients Black Globe technology, since we have NO CLUE that the Ancients ever visited Hiver space. Do we? This portable aegis is more of a relative to particle screen or meson screen technologies, which even the Terrans likely used on starships as early as TL12 (according to High Guard tables).
So how do these things scale up to vehicle and starship size?

Oh, and the Terrans didn't invent the meson screen - it was the Syleans ;)
So how do these things scale up to vehicle and starship size?

Oh, and the Terrans didn't invent the meson screen - it was the Syleans ;)
Originally posted by Maladominus:
P.S. --- this is not based on Ancients Black Globe technology, since we have NO CLUE that the Ancients ever visited Hiver space. Do we? This portable aegis is more of a relative to particle screen or meson screen technologies, which even the Terrans likely used on starships as early as TL12 (according to High Guard tables).
Sounds more like a personal repulsor to me.
Originally posted by Maladominus:
P.S. --- this is not based on Ancients Black Globe technology, since we have NO CLUE that the Ancients ever visited Hiver space. Do we? This portable aegis is more of a relative to particle screen or meson screen technologies, which even the Terrans likely used on starships as early as TL12 (according to High Guard tables).
Sounds more like a personal repulsor to me.
Hivers have shown some pretty sophisticated Gravitics tech too. I think they if anyone could get force fields practical first. abarring some fluke of invention. Advanced Computer Tech would also have a hand in this...
Hivers have shown some pretty sophisticated Gravitics tech too. I think they if anyone could get force fields practical first. abarring some fluke of invention. Advanced Computer Tech would also have a hand in this...