<Shrug> depends very much on your conception of jump I suppose.
I'm rather focused on where all that fuel goes....
My latest version of handwavium is the ship needs a physical bubble of hydrogen to slip into J space so the P=J thing is mainly for the creation of the bubble (and a tiny amount used by the J drive to maintain the J bubble during jump). So after creation the PP isn't used except for life support etc.
based on
Extra massive hydrogen clouds:
The spectral lines of the Lyman-alpha forest suggest that hydrogen clouds are more clumped together at certain scales than expected and, like dark flow, may indicate that gravity falls off slower than inverse-squared at certain distance scales.[31]
Proposed extra dimensions could explain why the gravity force is so weak
so hand waving that there's something special about clouds of hydrogen manipulated the right way by the J drive which allows ships to slip into 5D space.
(not saying this is plausible, just saying I don't think it can be 100% disproved yet )
So I'd agree with freezing / life support being the main problem and if that is survived somehow then the ship pops out unable to fire up the M drive and you have to tow the ship with the ship's boat.
That could make for a fun space encounter - IN battleship asking for a tow into port
I use a similar handwavium for the M drive fuel i.e. it takes P tons of fuel to create a mini 5D bubble in the ship which allows the ship to *fall* in any direction it likes and once the bubble is created it only takes a trickle to maintain so 10P fuel is effectively 10 goes at creating the M bubble.
So under normal operation a ship leaving to jump would fire up the M drive once (first go) till jump point, switch off (as imtu you can't have M and J bubbles at the same time) and then switch the M bubble on again after the jump (second go) to port.
So 10P of fuel is like the amount considered safe rather than the amount used. If a ship only fires up the M drive twice on a trip then it will only use 2P.
Also if a ship has an M drive capable of producing nG then it can create bubbles of lower G that require less fuel.
So a 2G scout would use 2dtons of fuel to fire up the M drive to a 2G bubble or only 1 dton to create a 1G bubble.
A type T patrol ship with max 4G could use 4 dtons to create a 4G M bubble or just use 2 dtons and stick to 2G.
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