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Pre-Melieu 0 Campaign: Sylea or Solomani?

I think that the STL Multi-system theme occurs fairly often in Traveller.

I know in GURPS Alien Races I, the Zhodani artifact "prophesizes" that a battle will take place with a multi-system empire/whatever that doesn't have jump, which I assume uses generation ships to build itself and hold itself together. There's no reason the Chanestins couldn't do the same, or at least not fold up just because they couldn't jump. Each member world would simply look out for itself, until the time where jump was restored.

Was the STL kingdom in the Zhodani Core route, in the Marc Miller Core interview? Or was that just David Pulver (or perhaps input from Loren) ?

I just starting reading the Fate of the Sky Raiders from FASA (I don't own the other books). I'll have to see if it offers anything along those lines.



Robot Chicken Star Wars Special II of all things had a nice take on something similar:

Where two Naval Officers of the Empire are discussing the result of Return of the Jedi:

"What do you mean it's over ? We still have 100s of ships, 1000s of men!"

"No. You don't understand. They killed the Emperor!"

"But, we still have..."


Since contingency plans are popular in almost all walks of life, I assume the Chanestins (for lack o'better descriptor) would have one in place once the writing on the wall comes into focus -- concerning their Pocket Empire as it is/was, etc.

They know the other planets of their union exist and have thriving and (probably mostly) friendlies on it. They'd probably have steps not unlike M-Zero's Imperial steps to contact/recontact their own at some point in time and an wait & see until such events can occur.

That said, the Chanestins are also problematical - IIRC they managed to sustain an interstellar state for centuries with just one starship.

I've had a look at the text, and I don't think it says that:

"The world of Santry had been a naval depot of the Rule of Man. During the collapse, a terrorist movement arose and destroyed the base. The officers sealed themselves into a deep subterranean bunker to await aid. By Year -250, all the units had failed, except for one. This was discovered in an archeological expedition from the civilization of survivors that managed to continue on the planet's surface through the Long Night." [M0:23]

I think the units referred to are low berths, not ships. At this point the surface civilization hasn't made it back into space but is exploring its own world.

The text continues:

Captain Neva al-Zena was revived, and through her help, much of the archived data was made comprehensible to the world's scientists. She led them to re-contact some local worlds first with sub-light drives, then with scavenged jump drives and finally with revived jump-drive technology.

Over the next two hundred years they expanded lowly, but in about Year -75 internal divisions led to fragmentation of the worlds into the Santry Cluster and the Cordovian Republic. [ibid.]

It looks to me like Santry didn't start expanding into space until after -250, and that they built and scavenged a number of ships.

I've had a look at the text, and I don't think it says that:

I think the units referred to are low berths, not ships. At this point the surface civilization hasn't made it back into space but is exploring its own world.

The text continues:

It looks to me like Santry didn't start expanding into space until after -250, and that they built and scavenged a number of ships.


Hi Hans,

I'm referring to the Chanestin Kingdom stuff from the Traveller Digests - I've a pretty good memory of that. The Milieu 0 stuff is a bit mixed up in my head (makes sense - it was mixed up on paper too ;) )