Maybe it is just all that thime with cad systems.
CC2 took me less time to learn than Macromedia. The tutorials sure help though.
When I got Cosmographer, I had a finished version od the standard scout inside a day, including customising the template and changing the standard scale.
(standard scale is yards, not meters, and thinks were just enough off kilter to offend the perfectionist in me.)
On the other hand, a full cad system, that can do things like calculate the area of arbitrary polygons, (odd shaped blocks, but you have to trace them.) is extreamly handy.
Yes cad systems tend to have a higher learning curve, but so do any top end graphics packages.
A simpler package has less of a learning curve, for the software, but learning to make something as formalized as deckplans is right at the limit of their capabilities, and you will waste a lot of time learning to get results that satisfy you, and you will NEVER be able to compleate a plan as quickly as you can with a more sophisticated system.
Anyway, my thoughts.
Mr Tek