I don't grok. Can you explain this a different way? Do you mean "this ship, when looked at thru the OTU lens, means X, while if viewed thru the 2300AD lens means Y, and when viewed thru the TNE lens means Z"?
It has to do with my belief about the most effective way to work a shared universe (Shared in the sense that multiple people work on it and have to take each other's work into account). It really isn't
useful to make a distinction between the CT Universe and the MT Universe and the TNE Universe, etc. It doesn't really help to point out that when
Leviathan was written back in 1980, no one knew that the Outrim Void had been crisscrossed by Scouts, Aslans, merchants, Floriani, and who knows who else for seven centuries, making it entirely reasonable to send an exploratory vessel off into the unknown Void as of Year 1107. Because now, 30 years later, we DO know that, and logically that invalidates a lot of
Leviathan and makes it unusable for anyone who wants to stick to the OTU of today. (Note that I'm not saying it makes
Leviathan a bad adventure; as you know, I wrote up a version for JTAS Online that backdated it to Year 400, and great fun I had doing it too).
(Granted, there's always the option of simply ignoring any inconvenient discrepancies. I know that there are people who think that's a perfectly viable option. All I can say is that I just don't get it.)
Anyway, I feel strongly that the best way to go about it is to say that there is one, and only one, OTU and that any discrepancies are the result of errors (which can be fixed) and not that there are several different universes with differing physical laws.
So when
The Kinunir (using Book 2 design) tells us that the
Kinunir is a 1200T design and
Fighting Ships (using HG) tells us that it is a 1250T design, it doesn't mean that they were 1200T in 1105 and had 50T added at some point. It means that "in reality" they were always 1250T and
The Kinunir got it wrong. Even if it wasn't wrong back when it was originally written. And when CT tells us that a Jump-4 ship uses 40% of its volume on jump fuel and MT tells us that the very same class of ship uses 25%, one of the two are just plain wrong. And if an MT adventure had featured a 4J4 ship, that adventure would never had taken place in the OTU, because you can't build 3J4 ships in the OTU and never could.
So what I mean is that "this ship, when described in CT, was said to devote 4T to power plant fuel, while in MT is was said to use 25% for jump fuel, and in TNE was said to use HEpLAr drive, but in "reality" it actually has neglible power plant fuel tankage, 40% jump fuel, and thrusters".
Or whatever you decide is the "truth". As I've said before, naturally I'd prefer that discrepancies be resolved the way I think they ought to be resolved, but I'd much, much rather they be resolved someone else's way than not resolved. In many cases there are lots of possible truths, but only one of each can be true in any single universe.
Above all, don't change "reality" just to meet new rules; only change it if there's a good reason to retcon "reality". If there isn't take another look at that rule instead.