Originally posted by Parmasson:
Perhaps the proto-Traveller map should be a customizable map of moveable subsectors that are interchangeable with x-boat routes that match up. As long as alien races occupy a subsector or less they can be added as subtracted at will.
So you basically just keep laying out subsectors until the map looks just how you want it. Each subsector (or sector) would essentially be a modular unit you could use, replace or ignore as you see fit.
The Dark Nebula maps might be inspirational here.
The X-Boat routes might be a problem.
Still, if we could achieve a decent compromise/fix for that problem, we could set up a library of subsectors which people could pick and choose from.
That way, we could pool the resources of peoples' fiendish imaginations. Of course, there wouldn't be much point in simply churning out numbers - that's easy - but the idea would be for people to do some actual design work, explaining at least roughly what is going on in the subsector, and providing at least some plot seeds.
Because each sector or subsector would be modular, we could have a collection of different Zhodani elements (for example), which people could use to create their own versions of the Zhodani Consulate, or simply ignore if they don't want the Zhodani to exist in their game. Ditto the Solomani, K'kree, etc.
Actually, I guess the smallest modular unit would be individual worlds/systems, since they could be swapped into subsectors to replace worlds that don't appear to make sense, or are boring.
I don't know how feasible it would actually be, but a "component library" model does seem to neatly balance the ability to home-brew with the ability to lift stuff from other, more fevered minds.
So, how could we deal with the X-boat problem?