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Psionicst Class Questions


Peer of the Realm
I liked TA5 overall but I have some questions about the Psionicist Prestige class.

Number one: is it a prestige class or core class? None of the other prestige classes have a Class Table.

The Enlistment requirements for the Psi Prestige class states "an individual must have completed training with an institute or "psionic master."
This means that a character cannot start out as a psionicist at 1st level, right?

Yes, I have asked most of these question elsewhere but I thought this would be a more appropriate place to get an offical answer.

Also, bonus feats for the psionicist are listed on the Psionicist table at 3rd, 7th, 11th, 15th, and 19th level yet on page 50 it says "Bonus Feats: At 16th level and 20th level ..." which are not mentioned on the table. Please explain these descripencies. That is, what are the bonus Feats listed on the table and why aren't the 16th and 20th level bonus feats listed on the table?

Are the bonus feats gained at 3rd, 7th, 11th, 15th, and 19th level limited or can they be any eligible Feat?

Do Psionicsts not gain New Spheres of influence at their creation like other characters that have psionics or what?
Rant: Christ I hate the term "psionicist" - can't we just call them "psychics" or "psions"? Psionicist is too awkward to the tongue.
Hi Nightshade,

This is a direct copy of a post I shot over in another thread. If it doesn' thelp let me know and I'll trya nd find some other answers for you.

Whilst I can't officially comment on the Psionicist class as that is Hunter's work and not mine (I didn't see it until the same time you guys did), I can take a few guesses.

On the bonus Feat thing, I think maybe the table should be followed, and the 16th and 20th thing ignored.

As Morte so rightly said, level based bonus feats are taken formt he class feat list unless all class feats are already taken, then they can be used for any feat.

Spheres of Influence: Good question. I would myself impose a Psionic Training Feat requirement at level 1 and allow the Psion 1 sphere of influence at creation. For non-starting characters they must have been trained, so will already have a Sphere. An important point to note is that Psions don't pay Feats for thier new spheres, nor do they need to pay Feats for the abilities within those Spheres, like non-pure psions do. They can use any ability they have the skill level and sphere for. FOr gaining more at char gen, you have your starting Feats and can learn new spheres, though there isn't much point as you get them free later on. ANother way to look at it is that Psions don't get any spheres until 5th level, and the first 4 are the training time. Not ideal, but it explains the gap in the table.

Hopefully Hunter will pop up here and clarify/overrule what I have said, as rules are his area and background is MArtin's (to the best of my knowledge).

Hope I helped,

Originally posted by Nightshade:
The Enlistment requirements for the Psi Prestige class states "an individual must have completed training with an institute or "psionic master."
This means that a character cannot start out as a psionicist at 1st level, right?
As I said on the other thread, you can take the "Psi Training" feat at level 1 to become a psionicist at level 1. The feat counts as having found an institute. It takes the place of having your PC go find a psionics institute during the game. See page 108 of the T20 THB.
Hey Falkayn, any chance you could make a screen to go with that D20 psionics skills and feats PDF?
The players book goes into how to find a psionics institute. If you do fuind one, yes you can start al L1 as a psionicist.