Manipulation is about covering things up, misinformation, misdirection, putting the truth out in the open (where no-one, absolutely no-one, will believe it), getting others to meet your demands either now or in the future, arranging things to suit you, arranging for that war to happen.
You left out the most important description of manipulation: Manipulation is taking credit for something that already happened or would have happened anyway without your "help".
This use of "spin" is something that all sophonts do.
Hivers are good at manipulation because we keep quiet about using it...
Bollocks. Hivers are quite open about the fact they continually manipulate other Hivers and other races. They only thing they keep quiet about are the exact manipulations and manipulation attempts that occur. This allows them to take credit where no credit is actually due.
and have experience of using it (i.e. Hiver-K'kree War)...
There are two sides to that story. While the results are not in question, how they arose most certainly is. Did the Hivers manipulate events in order to create the opportunity to end the war? Or did the Hivers manipulate events in order to claim credit for creating the opportunity that ended the war.
A rough analogy would be that of rain and crops. It's one thing to use the rain to grow crops. It's another to claim to create the rain that is then used to grow crops. Hivers do far more of the latter than the former.
The only large scale attempt at the combined use of psycohistory and manipulation in humaniti's history ended with the Psionics Suppressions.
Canonically that is only a supposition. From a strcit political standpoint, it's a no brainer to suppress the use in your polity of the primary sociological tool your enemy uses to control his polity.
Have fun,
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