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Pukha ( /POOK-uh/ )


SOC-14 1K
Submitted for your approval, or utter lack thereof, follows a robo-kitty I made with the T5 robot rules as best as I can understand them.

MODEL: Pukha

MANUFACTURER: Pet Therapy Simulations Designs

Sophont Pattern: HBS-T-LL-LL-T

Brain: Electronic (1D), C4 = 6, 1 unit, KCr 60

Skeleton: Lightweight Bony Interior, Agile, 4 units, KCr 20

Muscles: Standard with Burst Mode, ½ unit, KCr 5

Limbs: Extra Small Legs x4, 2 units

Manipulators: Paws x4, Tail, 2 + ½ units, KCr 20

Vision: Human Normal (16)

Hearing: Human Normal (16)

Smell: Human Normal (10)

Touch: Human Normal (6)

Skin: Sudo-Bio Plus, Self-Healing, 2 units, KCr 15

Additions: Datalink

STR: 1



INT: 6



SKILLS: Empath-3, Counsellor-1, SoundMimic-1, Fighter-6, Stealth-6, Survival-6

POWER SOURCE: Electric (Daily Power Cell), 4 units, KCr 10

ACTIVE CONTROL CODE: Voice Recognition, KCr 1

PASSIVE CONTROL CODE: Original Three Laws, KCr 10

TOTALS: 8 units (Liters and Kilograms), KCr 143

This robot is designed to look and act just like a typical cat, but with a few interesting tweaks. Made for patients whom have suffered a traumatic event, it allows a psychologist to monitor the patient to which the robot is assigned when a live pet can't be found or used. Through its datalink, it sends information to a database to be recorded and reviewed, and can also alert the attending psychologist should an unusual situation come up.

While this 'bot does have Fighting skill, the Original Three Laws of robotics precludes it from defending itself from humans, and it's rather small to have a chance at preventing a human from harming itself.

The only issue I had when designing this robot was I came up with a feline 5 times the size and weight of a domestic house cat. It's more like a female cougar, yet only slightly smaller than the smallest female cougar.
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The only issue I had when designing this robot was I came up with a feline 5 times the size and weight of a domestic house cat. It's more like a female cougar, yet only slightly smaller than the smallest female cougar.

That's one of the problems I found with T5 Robot maker.

A 'cheat' may be do designate C1 C2 and C3 with 1/3D (as opposed to a full D) and then divide the characteristic by 3. You don't need a Cat who can bench press dogs with Str 4.

Eg: Using Robo-cat, Str 4, turns into Str 1.3, yet it only uses 1/3 the space (on edit: And 1 third the cost as well).

Str = 1 (round down)
Agi = 2
Vig = 1 (round up to balance str round down)

So size = 0.3D + 0.15D (halved due to agility) + 0.3D = .75D
Size = 12* .75D = 9L

Dr Google says this is about the size of a average-large Maine Coon
The impression I got from my source (The Rowan, by Anne McCaffrey) made me think of a Maine coon.

Would another possible cheat be the tech level reductions given elsewhere in T5?

That was the first thing I thought of...
The impression I got from my source (The Rowan, by Anne McCaffrey) made me think of a Maine coon.

Would another possible cheat be the tech level reductions given elsewhere in T5?

I though about tech staging as well - unfortunately they don't give tech levels for the various components of a robot in T5. The only firm items which can be attached to a tech level is positronic brains, wafers and Fusion+ modules.

Tech staging for robots would open a _lot_ of interesting (if expensive) options.
I think I see my problem.

I didn't adjust the size with the formula that I saw and that you reminded me by showing...

So size = 0.3D + 0.15D (halved due to agility) + 0.3D = .75D
Size = 12* .75D = 9L

I may have to go back and do more math.

We refs/dungeon masters don't mind math, do we? :D
Fixed original post!

Looks better. A lot less scary when you companion-bot looks like a cuddly cat rather than a mountain lion. :D

Maybe install 'Emotion Simulation' and Medic-1 in the brain so it can keep an eye out for medical situations and calm down panicing patients, or notice early warning signs and call for help. And for a fun, put in steward 1. People call fuzzy cats 'dust mops', but in this case it actually is cleaning the house.

Pop in a radio receiver so it can call for help if a situation occurs which falls outside the pyschologists datalink. Unless the data link is 'general access' as opposed to a specific health service.
I would have to put in a new brain!

The electronics one can only house 3 skills, one at level 3 and two at level 1 each.

Fighter, stealth, and survival are from Instinct stat.
I thought maker rules had tech with a smaller/more powerful/cheaper progression such that you should be able to do a cougarbot size into a housecat in a couple TLs.
But, wouldn't a robot be considered a thing, even if it is a specified thing?

Also, there is a general technology progression table at the beginning of the chapter on technology in T5.09.

And, using QREBS could also modify things a bit, too.

The technology chart also seems to have robots at tech level 13, so I'm going to assume my robo-kitty is at least TL-13. Probably late TL-13.