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Question about CT adventure 2 "Research Station Gamma"

(Mild spoilers for CT adventure 2 "Research Station Gamma")

I want to relocate the CT adventure 2 "Research Station Gamma" to Trojan Reach sector. Anyone who is familiar with it, is there any reason it couldn't take place on Dostoevsky in Dpres subsector?

Stats: Dostoevsky B678673-A Ag Ni An Rs Imperium Client State.

The current known information on Dostoevseky is "Dostoevsky’s researchers are exploring an underwater site believed to be of Ancient origin. The government of Dostevsky is divided on how to deal with the Imperium, and the world’s long-term status as a client is very much in doubt."

I think I would have to change the purpose of the research station if I were to run Research Station Gamma here. But I think it matches the homeworld stats for the Chirpers, so they might well be found here as much as in the original location (Vanejen C686854-5, Rhylanor, Spinward Marches).
As a dungeon crawl there is no reason it can not work.


part of the charm of the adventure is the submarine trip - you will lose this since at TL A grav transport is common

the adventure itself
involves the Imperium being involved in kidnap, imprisonment, experiment, torture and the killing of intelligent races to learn more about psionics
The “Imperium client state” status should mean I can still run the Imperium interest in the adventure, and I thought I could still run the submarine bit, even at TL 10 (MgT2 Vehicle Handbook assumes subs still exist even at TL 15). But in any case, I could settle for just the dungeon crawl element as it doesn’t look like there are any better alternatives in the Trojan Reach.
At TL10 there could be air/raft-sized submarines, or even personal-sized, ubiquitous as ground cars. Likely armed of course. Add a few underwater beasties for fun...
The biggest issue is astrographic...

The presence of Chirpers limits it. See AM Droyne.
Dostoevsky could host a population of Chirpers, couldn’t it? It’s the only planet with a research station that can support Chirper life. That’s why I think it’s the only viable location in Trojan Reach. Even so, I would have to change the purpose of the research station.