Supplement Four
SOC-14 5K
Three words: Pirates with submarines.
Very cool.
How about two words: Chirper Myrmidons.
Three words: Pirates with submarines.
Kinunir is set well over a dozen parsecs away... too far for most.
Kinunir is set well over a dozen parsecs away... too far for most.
Sounds like some swash-buckling fun!
I'm tellin' ya...have the Chirper Myrmidons rescue them!! Bows-n-arrows, riding miniature six legged horse analogues, wearing the local giant snail shells as armor (It's pretty, too!).
Vs. 1940's tech.
If you ever wanted to have a Nazi with a grease gun fight an aborigine* with a spear, now's the time!!
*Sounds like a cake walk for the Nazi? Give the Chirper some innate, limited, psionic power to even the fight! Then, let the PCs discover that these myrmidons are the reason the Imperium put the research station here in the first place!
Hehe, If the Myrmidons can rescue the PCs they might as well go to the Research Station and rescue the nest-mates. The PCs will be out of a job :rofl:
However, the station itself is a tiny bit bland in my opinon - any clues on how I can spice it up for the PC's arrival?
I always thought it odd that the Imperium wouldn't spring for a proper research staff (it seems kind of mean and cheeseparing, doesn't it?), so if I ever run it, I'll have the station hold rooms for a decent number of underlings, only they're all empty. The Director got rid of them one by one (Just firing them without hiring new ones or something more sinister?) Though I like Andrew's suggestion about an Igor.I haven't run this, and I am a rubbish GM generally, so take my words with a pinch of salt. You might try playing up the sparseness of the station itself, but make the inhabitants suitably bonkers. Okay there is only one human there, but he is a prime candidate for the loony bin, and he has had free run to reprogram the robots, and to adopt a few of the specimens as pets. You could give him an Egor if you like.
I always thought it odd that the Imperium wouldn't spring for a proper research staff ...
Did they not meet the Psonics in the high gravity globe?
They would have given the PCs a hand in getting back onto their ship ...